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Microsoft Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Introduction to Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines – ARM

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Microsoft Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Introduction to Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines – ARM

Student Lab Manual

V1.8, June 1, 2016

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Introduction to Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines        4

Prerequisites        5

Task 1 – Create a Storage Account and Resource Group        5

Task 2 – Create a Virtual Network        7

Task 3: Creating Virtual Machine for IIS        12

Task 4 – Create an IaaS SQL Server Virtual Machine        17

Task 5: Configuring the IIS Virtual Machines        23

Task 6: Setting Inbound Security rules for the IIS Machine        27

Task 7: Configuring the SQL Server 2012 Instance        29

Installing the AdventureWorks Database        30

Task 8: Deploying the MVC4 Application        32

Task 9: Setting up the IIS machines DNS address        35

Task 10: Verification        37

Appendix A – Troubleshooting Tips        38

Introduction to Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines

In this lab, you will create 2 virtual machines. One of the virtual machines will be an IIS server and the other machine with have SQL Server 2012 installed to serve as the application database. These machines will be connected via a Microsoft Azure virtual network.

You'll learn how to:

  • Create an Azure Storage Account
  • Configure an IIS Web Server and connect it to a SQL Server running in a virtual machine through a simple virtual network
  • Configure a SQL Server virtual machine
  • Deploy the sample Web application to the IaaS IIS virtual machine


The following is required to complete this hands-on lab:

  • Microsoft Azure PowerShell
  • Install the SQL Server PowerShell extensions on the database VM (link)
  • A Microsoft Azure subscription

Task 1 – Create a Storage Account and Resource Group

We will need a storage account in order to have a place to put our virtual machine .vhd blob files.  Although while creating a virtual machine, you have the option to create a storage account, we want to first create our storage account manually so that we can create a resource group to hold all the applications resources in. Creating the storage account up front gives us more flexible options.

  1. Log in to the Azure portal at
  2. From within the Azure Portal, click on the +New, Data + Storage and then Storage account.

[pic 1]

  1. On the Create storage account blade, enter a unique storage account name (unique in all of Azure). Note all the settings that you need to select or change in the screenshot below. Click the Create button to complete the storage account creation.

Name – Unique storage account name

Deployment model – pick Resource Manager

Account kind – select General purpose

Performance – choose Standard

Replication – Choose LRS

Subscription – pick your subscription

Resource Group – create a new resource group or pick an existing one

Location – pick your region where you want this storage account created

[pic 2]

Task 2 – Create a Virtual Network

  1. Click on the Browse button in the Azure portal and then select Resource Groups.

[pic 3]

  1. Select the name of the resource group you created in the previous task. This will open up the resource group blade.

  1. For ease of finding your resource group again later, we will first pin the resource group to the Home page. Click the Pin button at the top of the resource group. Now, the next time you click on the Home menu item (left side of the portal window), you can find your resource group on a tile.  

[pic 4]

  1. Click on the Add button in the resource group blade.

  1. Type in ‘Virtual Network’ in the Everything window and then find Virtual network and select it.

[pic 5]

  1. In the virtual network blade, select Resource Manager as the deployment type and then select the create button.

[pic 6]

  1. When setting up the virtual network, you will need to:

  • The name of the virtual network (only need to be unique within the subscription)
  • The address space. Needs to be an internal (not internet addressable) range
  • The name of the subnet. For this lab exercise, name it AppSubnet.
  • Subnet address range (leave as the default)
  • Select your Azure subscription (if you have multiple)
  • Select the Resource group you created previously
  • Select the region to put the virtual network in
  • Clear the Pin to dashboard checkbox
  • Click the Create button

[pic 7]

  1. When the virtual network has finished the creation process, if you do not see the named virtual network appear in your resource group, refresh your browser. Then, click on the virtual network name and the virtual network blade should open. Click on the All settings link and then then Subnets menu item. NOTE: If the virtual network blade is not shown, click on the new virtual network in your resource group to be able to see it.

[pic 8]

  1. Now click on the Subnet button on the Subnets blade and enter the name DBSubnet for the new subnet name. This is the subnet we will put the SQL Server machine in. Finally, select the OK button in the Add subnet blade.

[pic 9]

  1. Close all the blades and go all the way back to the Home screen. From there, you can find the tile for your resource group and click on it. You should see your resource group blade appear with your virtual network and storage account in it.

Task 3: Creating Virtual Machine for IIS

In this task, you will learn how to create a Virtual Machine in Microsoft Azure portal . Then, you will configure the machine for Internet Information Server, adding roles to use later on in this lab.


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