Como Perder Peso Sin Perder La Cabeza (Ingles)
Enviado por abr_2910 • 19 de Marzo de 2013 • 604 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 510 Visitas
How to lose weight without losing your mind.
Having breathing problems by just walking few blocks? Does your clothes feel tight and you really need a larger size? Extra fat around waist? Stretch marks? Believe it or not these symptoms are commonly the results of overweight. But what is overweight? Overweight and obesity refer to body weight that’s greater than what is considered healthy for a certain height. Millions of people world widely pass through this life stage. Everything start by eating more greasy food and erroneously behave careless of ourselves. At the beginning it might see like if to have four or six pounds more or even a larger size doesn’t matter as much and suddenly BOOM! When you notice you need a force diet. The more body fat that you have and the more you weight, the more likely you are to develop coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, gallstones, certain cancers between others. Your weight is the result of many factors. These factors include environment, family history and genetics, metabolism, the way your body changes, food and oxygen into energy, behavior or habits and many more. You can’t change some factors such as family history. However you can change your life style habits.
What did I do to gain weight? Typical question! It is all about your energy balance. Energy balance means that your energy in should be equal to your energy out. Energy in is the amount of calories you consume from drinks and food. Energy out is the one you use for breathing, digesting and being physical active. You don’t need to balance your energy exactly every day, it is the time that helps you maintain healthy. In other words the same energy in and out over time the weight stays the same, more energy in that out over time is equal to more pounds, and the more energy out that energy in is a sure weight loss. It involves many other reasons for example inactivity, work schedules, oversized food proportions, lack of healthy food, sometimes fast food advertising have a lot to do, health problems, pregnancy, age, medicines, smocking, age or be amazed but also your emotional factors can also harm.
Do not feel guilty, there is a solution for this tedious problem. Instead of watching tv, opening a chips bag and drinking a two liter coke you can do some new friends at a gym or in a near neighborhood park, have a twenty or thirty minutes daily walk, a dinner of vegetables, and white meats, and for a delicious desert a big fresh fruit. It is impossible to change the habits of a whole life from night to day but the word hides a valuable meaning “Im-possible “ with a little willpower every goal you propose not only losing weigh if not in every area of our lives we can land dreams on earth.
SPECIAL NOTE: Despite all, always love yourself for what is inside you but also recognize! You don’t need to be in a deep obsession with being a size cero but being in a compromise with taking care