- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  15 de Diciembre de 2013  •  344 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  429 Visitas

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Connectors are linkers we use to join sentences to one another so as to form a coherente and cohesive discourse instead of a sequence od sentences with no connection hmong them. Depending on the relation of the ideas between one sentence and another, these linkers may be divided into different categories, according on what they exress (reason, consequence, etc.)


- And: middle position

I go to the gym and then i have a shower

- Moreover, furthermore: “además”. Initial position within the sentence, followed by a comma.

We think it’s a good idea. Moreover, / Furthermore, the

company would get benefits

- What’s more: “lo que es más”. Initial position within the sentence, followed by a comma.

She is an excellent person. What’s more, she always tries to help people.


- Initial position: Because of this,… - Due to this,… - For this reason,…

It was raining. Because of this, we didn’t go to the beach

- Middle position: because… - since… - as…(these two folowed by a sentence) - due to… (this one followed by a Noun Phrase)

We didn’t g oto the Beach due to the rain

We didn’t g oto the Beach as it was raining


- Initial position: Consequently,… - As a consequence,…

She studied a lot. Consequently, she passed the exam without any difficulty


- Initial position: Although… - However,… (“sin embargo”) - In spite of this,… (“a pesar de esto”) – Despite… (pese a…) (followed by –ing) Despite of (followed by a Noun Phrase)– Nevertheless, … (“sin mebargo”).

Although he hadn’t studied, he passed the exam

He didn’t study. In spite of this, he passed the exam!

We went out despite of the rain

We bought the house despite being expensive

- Middle or final position: though (“aunque”)

It was a big problem. We solved it, though.

- Initial or middle position: but

It was raining, but we decided to go out.


- Actually, In fact (“de hecho”): initial or final position

He’s a goo teacher. In fact, students love his lessons

- For instante, for example (“por ejemplo”): initial or final position

You can buy lots of things in this shop. For example, you can buy ecologic food


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