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Death Penalty

Enviado por   •  24 de Julio de 2013  •  612 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  448 Visitas

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Death Penalty

At the present time the society presents different social problems which produce an increase in crimes that threaten the life and dignity. That´s why in any social structure is necessary to implement a system that helps to set down the rules to maintain order. Through the imposition of penalties by the judicial system which basically are based on the restriction of freedom, however through the history the death was common but nowadays is seen as a judgment pro society.

Currently the death penalty is considered strong punishment, which has the ability to dissuade the potential criminal for fear that produces this type of punishment in the judicial system. Even argued in favor of the death penalty that produces a low cost compared to the cost of having the criminal deprived of his liberty for many years. However studies have been presented by the government of the countries that have adopted the death penalty which ensure that for example the state of California could reduce expenses by $ 1 billion over the next five years by abolishing the death penalty and change the death penalty in only life imprisonment.

One of the most common and reasonable argument in favor of capital punishment, and there's actually some evidence that the death penalty may be an impediment to homicide. The reason of this is maybe because the people don´t want to die. But it's a very expensive impediment; however the death penalty is a way to change the perception. If the death penalty is one of the most efficient impediment but the price is use considerable funds and resources involved in its implementation.

Also necessary to note that all crime victims exist and that is why we always talk about justice on this debate. That is way the families which find closure in many different ways, and many families never find closure at all. In any case, surviving family members deserve more closure than the criminal justice system has the power to provide.

One of the most important arguments against of the death penalty is that innocent people have been convicted and executed. The wrongful execution of an innocent person is an injustice that can never be rectified. In the United States where some states have approved the death penalty 140 men and women have been released from Death Row nationally, some of them only minutes before of the execution. Moreover, in the past two years evidence has come to light which indicates that four men may have been wrongfully executed in recent years for crimes they did not commit. This error rate is simply appalling, and completely unacceptable, when we are talking about life and death.

The way I see things the death penalty can prevent crimes, murderers can change, can save lives. Because from the application of punishment to one, the other criminals would know what the future held for them if they continue with such nefarious acts, may lose their own life being


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