- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Economia De Puerto Rico

Enviado por   •  9 de Abril de 2015  •  1.520 Palabras (7 Páginas)  •  422 Visitas

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Puerto Rican society is going through a crisis. A social deterioration is increasing. Within social problems is the economic crisis, education, crime, child abuse and violence in the country. The following essay is presented as each of the aforementioned social issues affecting the Puerto Rican society.

The crime rate in Puerto Rico has a murder rate increasing every year there are more. Thinking of many people is that the government does not provide or do anything this problem but there are many reasons why crime is on the rise every year. The cost of living increases each year, the number of jobs falling causes people sitting in a very difficult economic situation and decide to opt for illegal methods or easy money. Education is one of the most productive factors in a population with this number so high in the crime rate. Educating children who are growing up, to have a university degree, be professional and do not have to incur criminal acts. Our people have a very important role with the values, which must carry out very seriously, because they are missing, as they say in the popular phrase "happens to us Puerto Rico." These are hypothetical solutions but this issue of crime is an epidemic with no cure. . Reports have revealed that we are among the first murders and deaths globally. Besides all these aspects have to be aware that crime encompasses many things not only murders. Crime includes all unusual act not permitted by the laws of a given location. At present 49.2% of crimes in Puerto Rico are drug related. Drugs are a group of enveloped many crimes, murder, money laundering, among other practices, made by drug traffickers. The murders and drug crimes are beset us daily. The government this year trying to make a strategy, since the problem of crimes went from bad to worse. Then they activated the National Guard to patrol the streets of our island, along with state police in the hope that this would bring more calm to our lives. This did not help as this government effort was useless, the problem continues and every day increased.

Puerto Rico's economy is going through one of its most critical stages. Since the economic crisis in the United States to date, Puerto Rico's economy has been characterized by a long period of economic stagnation. Economic stagnation is linked in part to the political and economic relations that the island with the United States. Similarly, if the United States economy is affected, therefore ours too the government payroll and the high cost of this to the economy of our country is affected is a big factor in that we are going through a crisis like the one we live. No stranger to anyone that dozens of people have no specific functions in government agencies and that deserve to be paid a salary that is sometimes inconsistent with the same. If we take for example the Power Authority, this trial would never end mention the waste of money the state spent on a single employee.

The dropout rate is a major problem facing our society for years, but unfortunately has been increasing even more today. This is a problem that leads to the creation of other social problems, which are usually larger and affect us all. Not only institutional education, but the education which every member of a family should receive and issue. Education is not only is English classes, Spanish, math and science in schools is provided. We're talking about the social responsibility we all have, to educate and instruct our society. The formal education system in Puerto Rico is one that lacks resources both physical, economic, educational and unfortunately a resource that I consider the most important, the staff minded and love to work. One of the biggest problems in education in Puerto Rico is that it has the failidades or resources to address the problems of children with conditions that require special education and the few programs that are available are very slow to meet the child's which this affects them in the long term as they grow. On the other hand we have the lack of homeschooling. This is what education is the responsibility of parents and family. This education is the first that is supposed to receive. From birth is the responsibility of every parent to instill values that are moral, respect, discipline and responsibility


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