- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ejemplo de Ingles discussion business

Enviado por   •  20 de Octubre de 2017  •  Ensayo  •  317 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  170 Visitas

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Week 2

On this occasion I decided to choose Apple to talk about. Apple has been named as the greenest company on the market. Apple has a social responsibility area which is classified into several parts, including continuous efforts to reduce water consumption, waste, specifications of controlled substances, verification of installations on greenhouse gases, recycling centers of the old and useless products and more than anything liability of suppliers. Apple is committed to guarantee the highest standards of social responsibility, wherever its products are manufactured. Many are the measures that Apple started when this change began, but it was the elimination of dangerous substances perhaps the key to this new course. Highly polluting products, which although not legislated to be removed from the manufacturing process, Apple decided to withdraw on its own. One of the main changes on apple installations was that the equipment and power supplies are capable of reducing the electrical consumption needed to put them into operation. All these changes and actions, has led Apple to achieve the Energy Star seal that certifies that all its equipment, comply with strict protocols of energy efficiency and environmental respect. Apple has also just joined the Fair Labor Association, an initiative of several stakeholders working to improve working conditions and workers' rights.

What I have stated before led me to believe that it is possible to make money and still be socially responsible. Apple is the number 1 in Forbes list in profitability but they still are a company who are socially responsible due to the facts mentioned above. I believe that in order to make money and be a good company to the society and the world they must  “prevent ethical norms to be compromised in order to achieve corporate goals”. (Archie B Carroll). I personally choose one brand or company over another by seeing if the marginal benefit is equal or greater than its marginal cost.


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