Enviado por ferdinand_rgb • 26 de Agosto de 2014 • 979 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 203 Visitas
1.- "much" / "many" / "a lot of" se traducen por "mucho".
Las reglas que se aplican son las siguientes, si bien cabe cierta flexibilidad:
a) En oraciones afirmativas: "a lot of"
b) En oraciones negativas e interrogativas:
b.1) Con sustantivos contables: "many"
many books, many coins, many girls...
b.2) Con sustantivos incontables: "much"
much time, much effort, much energy
2.- "little" / "few" se traducen por "poco".
a) Con sustantivos contables: "few"
few books, few pencils, few tickets...
b) Con sustantivos "incontables": "little"
little sugar, little rain, little water...
She is very friendly and has a lot of friends
I don't have many paintings in my flat
When you were unemployed, did you receive much help from your family?
This bookshop has few books about Spanish history
There is little hope that the hostage will be released
a) Posibilidad vs Probabilidad
"Can" indica que algo es posible (las circunstancias lo permiten o alguien tiene la habilidad de hacerlo).
I can play tennis quite well
I can open that door with my key
I can run for two hours
This car can go faster than 200 km per hour
You can go to France without a passport
"May" indica que algo es probable; equivale a "perhaps"
My friend may win the race
The sky is very dark. It may rain
b) Permiso
Se utilizan ambos verbos modales, con los siguientes matices:
- Tener permiso: "can" es más habitual.
I can smoke in the office
- Dar permiso: "may" es más habitual, "can" más informal.
You may smoke here if you want
You may use my computer
You can take my car (informal)
Si el permiso viene de un tercero se utiliza "can".
You can smoke here (la ley lo permite o las normas de esta oficina)
- Pedir permiso: "can" es más habitual y también más informal
Can I smoke in the office? (informal) / May I smoke in the office? (formal)
Can I speak to you? (informal) / May I speak to you? (formal)
c) Petición
- Solicitar algo: Se utilian ambos verbos modales
May (Can) I get your dictionary?
- Pedirle a alguien que haga algo: se suele utilizar "can"
Can you give me that book?
d) Ofrecimiento
Se utiliza ambos verbos modales
Can (May) I help you?
"Can" y "could" se utilizan para expresar permiso, posibilidad o habilidad. Como regla general "can" se utiliza en el presente y "could" en el pasado, pero hay ciertos matices:
a) Posibilidad / habilidad
En el presente "can" y en el pasado "could" o "was / were able".
With the new motorway you can go from Madrid to Barcelona in less than 4 hours
Ten years ago you could go from Madrid to Barcelona in 6 hours
I can play tennis
I could (was able) to play tennis when I was a child
"Could" también se utiliza con un sentido condicional, mientras que en el futuro se emplea "will be able":
If I had money I could buy a new car
In two years I will be able to speak English fluently
b) Permiso
En el presente distinguimos:
- Tener o pedir permiso: "can" tiene un sentido informal y "could" formal.
I can use the company's car for my private trips (informal)