- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Guia De Lineamientos Laborales

Enviado por   •  9 de Abril de 2014  •  676 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  6.272 Visitas

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1.2.1 Diseña una guía de lineamientos laborales en ingles


1. The employee must be responsible for complying with the regulations and standards contained in MIOSHA.

2. The employee should not damage, move or delete any item related to the security that is provided for your use in the workplace

3. The employee must have a sense of responsibility toward the resources of the Organization.

4. The employee must be responsible for knowing their functions and tasks assigned

5. The employee should have a plan of work

6. The employee must be punctual, and avoid missing for not having problems with the company

7. The employee should develop the habit of saving and avoid spending or raw material inputs provided by the company, this will allow you to save money that can be used in other sectors of the company.

8. The employee must always be ready to show their suggestions and criticism with regard to any activity of the company

9. The employee must work for the growth of the organization

10. The employee must be kept clean and tidy your work environment, locating equipment, containers, tools and materials in the places assigned.

11. The employer must comply with the obligations laid down by the competent authority in order to protect the health and safety of workers.

12. The employer must be aware of the policies, regulations, procedures, regulations and comply with those quality, in addition instructions designated by the supervision that affect their work


1. The employer must provide a workplace free of serious recognized hazards and comply with standards, rules and regulations provided under the OSH Act.

2. The employer must verify that employees have and use safe tools and equipment and check equipment correctly

3. The employer must use color codes, posters, labels or signs to warn employees that there are potential risks

4. The employer must establish or update operating procedures and communicate them so that employees follow safety and health requirements

5. The employer must provide safety training in a language and vocabulary that the workers can understand.

6. The employer must provide medical examinations and training when dictate OSHA rules

7. The employer should not discriminate against employees who exercise their rights under the law

8. The employer mustn´t withhold wages or fringe benefits or discriminate against an employee or his authorized representative for the time devoted to participate in an inspection, investigation or conference of closure of MIOSHA

9. The employer


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