Guia Ingles
Enviado por pacopandas • 19 de Noviembre de 2014 • 2.334 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 374 Visitas
Learning unit English III
Program Bilingual
Hours per week 7
The Universidad Autónoma deNuevoLeon in itsquest for excellencein the work ofteachersand students, proposes this Learning Guide to the continuousstudy of its participants. This guidehelps to developthe competencies establishedby theLearning UnitEnglish IIIof the BilingualBaccalaureate, which throughits four phasesproposes activities thatdevelopthe second languageacquisitionaccording toMarzano's taxonomy. Theystart froma diagnosisto helpstudents identifystrengths andareas of opportunity.Subsequentlymanagesknowledge activities, organizationand hierarchization, application, metacognitionand ends with theintegrative product of thecorrespondingphase. Some ofthese categoriescame together todesign activitieswhere two of these levels they workalternately.
The following box shows the RIEMS and the UANL educational model competencies, displaying the traits that unite them.
c) Traitsthat linkRIEMSwithUANLcompetencies
Generic Competences RIEMS Traits General Competences
1. Knows and values him/herself and approaches problems and challenges taking into account the objectives that he/she persecutes.
➢ Identity
Knows him/herself as a being with characteristics inherent to his/her personality, conscious of his/her values, strengths and weakness; able to confront challenges that are presented to take responsibility of the consequences of his/her decisions. Apply autonomous learning strategies in different levels and fields of knowledge that permits him/her timely and pertinent decision making in the personal, academic and professional field.
• Values with responsibility problems and successes in the different areas of his/her environment.
• Analyzes the different alternatives about his/her own characteristics of his/her personality.
• Recognizes and requests support in a situation that prevent or restricts the achievement of his/her goals.
• Selects potential solutions based on his/her Project of life and profession.
• Assumes the consequences of his/her decision making to reorder his/her actions.
2. Is sensible to arts and participates in the appreciation and interpretation of his/her expressions in different.
➢ Sensibility
Perceives emotionally or intellectually the sensations, impressions or emotions, which allow him/her approach, understand or have a special view to be expressed by various forms of art, with an ethical-social commitment. Uses the logical, formal, mathematical, iconic, verbal and nonverbal languages according to his/her stage of life, to understand, interpret and express ideas, feelings, theories and thinking with an ecumenical approach.
• Recognizes the art with a vision manifested in multiple expressions.
• Expresses ideas and feeling with an ethical-social commitment using different languages.
• Uses different artistic expressions to communicate among the people and culture.
3. Selects and practices healthful styles of life
➢ Healthy living
Acquire a positive and reflexive attitude in achieving good habits in his/her good physical and mental development that allow a better quality of life. Achieve adaptability that requires the social and professional environments of uncertainty of our age to create better conditions of life.
• Value good habits as part of his/her development.
• Analyzes the possible consequences of risk behaviors.
• Recognizes that a good environment enhances quality of life.
• Acquires a commitment for good physical and mental development.
4. Listens, interprets and emits pertinent messages in different situations through the use of mediums, codes and appropriate tools
➢ Communication
Manages and understands the information and communication technologies to apply them in a critical and objective way, in the different areas of knowledge. Uses language codes indifferent logical and mathematical contexts that allow expressing ideas with ethical sense.
Manages the information and communication technologies as a tool to access to the information and its transformation into knowledge, also for the learning and collaborative work with vanguard techniques that allow his/her constructive participation in the society.
Dominates his/her native language in oral and written form with correction, relevance, opportunity and ethics, adapting his/her message to the situation or context for the transmission of ideas and scientific findings in daily academic contexts
Uses a second language, preferably English, with clarity and correction to communicate in daily academic, professional and scientific contexts.
• Expresses concepts and ideas, correctly in both oral and written in his/her native language.
• Manages the information and communication technologies critically in different areas of knowledge.
• Uses linguistic, mathematical or graphical representations as communication strategies.
• He/she communicates in different contexts clearly in a second language.
5. Develops innovations and proposes solutions to problems from established methods.
➢ Creativity
Designs, analyzes and explains projects applying creativity and innovation in the solution of problems, taking as bases the principles, laws and concepts. Use methods and techniques of traditional and cutting-edge research for the development of his/her academic work, profession and knowledge generation.
• Chooses the appropriate procedures in solving a problem.
• Understands reflectively the phases that will lead to the achievement of his/her objective.
• Elaborates and designs hypothesis considering the principles, laws and concepts.
• Processes information using the information and communication technologies.
• Formulate and concludes results from obtained evidences.
6. Sustains a personal position about interesting topics and general relevance, considering others points of view in a critical and reflexive way ➢ Reasoning
Process ideas, concepts and arguments to reach a conclusion keeping a personal attitude and responsible, to assume the consequences of it. Uses logical, creative and proactive thinking to analyze natural and social phenomena that allow him/her to make pertinent decisions of his/her sphere of influence with social responsibility.
• Selects the source of information according to responsible criteria.
• Constructs his/her point of view according to its importance and relevance.