Enviado por gabymendoza1 • 1 de Julio de 2014 • 547 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 270 Visitas
When a person sees an assignment related to make or build a new product or a new kind of training, it is ironical; I express these words because it is my case. Once I saw the steps I should follow in order to present the last evaluation, I thought: “Hum! This is something that is going to be very difficult for me”. Hence, I decided to change my point of view and attitude. I took the risk for making this work and eureka! Every activity I carried out for starting it began to be something very satisfactory given that I learned how to manage a new program which I had seen on youtube website and I had always seen that it was used for making tutorial videos.
I first focused on the slide share in power point program and then downloaded Jing. At downloading it, I discovered it was not so difficult to manage it, at the contrary; it was really easy and funny at the same time. You would wonder: And why is Xiomara saying all this things? I can say firmly than I could identify one of the reasons for which a teacher does not want to get involved in this kind of tools: MIND LAZYNESS. Technology has become for some people a great tool, devices, each day newer and with more specifications, helps us communicate and have the world in just one click or one finger slide. The world changes rapidly and as long as business go on we could say the traditional ways of teaching are staying back. As for me, it is pretty good the fact of counting on these devices and know that I can find any sort of tool for carrying out my lessons, such us: pdf exercises, word docs, podcasts, videos, audios, interactive activities and many many more.
I meditate for a while: My students have tablets, smartphones, laptops even other devices. Besides, they have accounts on facebook, twitter, on e-mail servers and other social networks. Is it prudent to say no, when they ask for permission to use them in class as a tool like google translator or on line dictionaries? I consider then, that as teachers we should take into account this factor because if there is something teachers cannot do is to forbid the use of them by knowing that anyway they will use it at home for doing their homeworks or researching. This experience shows me that of course, I will not abandon the traditional methods used by us, absolutely no; what I mean is I must mix all the knowledge I have and all the supporting the web bids me. As a summary, I would state that as long as the virtual environment works for encouraging and improving our students’ progress they are welcome and I will continue exploring so that my partners and myself can use it with dedication and sobriety, always pretending that our pupils have good chances as for studying on a local level as on an international one.
This conclusion is for me the best resolution I must have it in mind, since at