Enviado por rolandojp • 2 de Noviembre de 2013 • 3.947 Palabras (16 Páginas) • 242 Visitas
It is an operational function includes all activities and processes necessary for the strategic management of the flow and storage of raw materials and components , in-process inventory and finished products , in such a way that they are in the right amount at the right place at the appropriate time
Determines and coordinates logistics optimally the right product, the right client , the right place and the right time. Assuming the role of marketing is to stimulate demand , the role of logistics is precisely satisfy .
Only through a detailed analysis of demand in terms of level , location and time, it is possible to determine the starting point for achieving bottom of logistics activity , the increased demand in terms of cost and effectiveness.
Logistics is not therefore a functional activity but a model , a framework , not an operational role , but a planning mechanism , it is a way of thinking that will even reduce uncertainty in an unknown future.
1.2. Elements of the logistics chain
Customer Service.
Transport and distribution
The supplies
Together these activities achieve customer satisfaction and cost reduction company, which is one of the factors by which companies are required to focus on logistics.
1.2.1. 1.2. Logistics system organizational
1.2.2. Logistics integration in the company, along the canal, is accentuated through information and coordination of strategies of all organizations involved in the production chain.
1.2.4. Having established a logistic function in the organization, the next stage logistics management and outsourcing activities thereof. The aim is to centralize the fundamental objective of all efforts on the core business and let others do the ancillary activities.
1.2.5. Thus, ancillary activities are outsourced to other companies and logistics function then becomes the management, control and monitoring of the supply chain, which is the last stage of the logistics outsourcing.Etapas organizativas
Se puede decir que las empresas, desde el punto de vista organizativo, se sitúan en alguna de las siguientes etapas, según su estudio realizado por el Centro Español de Logística
Characteristics of the stages
Primary stage dilute Logistics activities in functional areas. Primary stage dilute Logistics activities in functional areas.
Secondary Stage • Organization non-integrated logistics functions within the company . Secondary Stage • Organization non-integrated logistics functions within the company .
• You can see the functional specialization in the flow of materials. • You can see the functional specialization in the flow of materials.
• No integration from the point of view of information generated by the flow . • No integration from the point of view of information generated by the flow .
1.3. Flow of materials and information
Logistics activity generated within the business flows in both directions, the materials or downstream and upstream information or that goes against.
Material flow
Is made from the raw material to the final consumer of the finished product or service
Flow of information
It runs in the opposite direction to that of materials, ranging from the client to the origin of supplies.
1.3. Factors influencing the logistics
1.3.1. Globalization of markets :
The globalization of international industries and market strategies are the ones who decide the places of production , inventory and marketing.
Wherever companies to operate long logistics costs as a percentage of total cost , are generally higher in international operations.
The transport international cargo movements are much more complicated in terms of documentation , planning and regulation.
The companies integrate international and domestic markets , and come with a global perspective buyers and suppliers .
1.3.2 . Change in the attitude of governments
The deregulation by governments of developed countries in various sectors were many changes in logistics principles .
Main deregulated sectors :
Transportation in various countries
Communications . They have had a great impact on the development of logistics, with new communication systems, satellite and the Internet. }
1.2.6 . Structural changes in business
Restructuring mediantes organizations mergers and acquisitions . Employment plans and other options.
Changes vertical hierarchical organizations to flat , which have greatly influenced cost reductions with respect to logistics.
1.2.7 . technological change
The very rapid change in technology, in information technology, both hardware and software , have sought new and fabulous tools for calculation , control , design, etc. .
For logistics , technological change is an important aid every day driving this activity to a :
Greater integration and management
Cutting time
Cost Reduction
To increase competitiveness and improve profitability to undertake the challenge of globalization.
Optimize management and logistics management domestic and international trade .
optimal coordination of all factors that influence the buying decision : quality, reliability , price, packaging , distribution, protection , service.
Management Magnified view to convert the logistic model, a framework , a mechanism for planning of internal and external activities of the company.
The traditional definition of logistics claims the product acquires its value when the customer receives in time and in the right way , at the lowest cost .
Undue influence of logistics manager
Excessive production influence
attitude towards change
1.4. In logistics , customer service will involve :
1.4.1 . Degree of certainty:
Not so need to get faster to transport , getting for sure , with minimal variation range .
1.4.2 . Degree of reliability :
A chain is made up of different links . That is a chain. If you add some that are not related , are segmented responsibilities,