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English Immersion Program – LESSON PLAN FOR LEVEL BASIC 1

LEVEL: Basic 1

TEXTBOOK: Introduction


TEACHER: Edison Dominguez



Lesson Topic:  Giving personal information (Address, Phone Number,) Location, Nationalities, Jobs, School Subjects, There is/are, Plurals, Verb To Be Negative and Questions, Possessive Adjectives.

TIME: 4 hours


MATERIALS: copies, paper, pencils, colors, cardboard, construction paper, tape, glue, scissors.

EQUIPMENT: Speakers, Laptop/Tablet, Board, Markers, etc.

Objectives: By the end of these activities SWBAT:

  • Write a little letter and send it to a partner’s address.
  • List difficult words from dialogues and act them out to internalize vocabulary use.
  • Locate some DR cities in compass and discuss some celebrities Nationalities.
  • Discuss favorite subjects (High school or college) and Mimic Jobs/occupation they know by heart.
  • Do exercises in groups in order to share and reinforce grammar knowledge (Possessive and Verb To Be)

Language Skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking

Life Skills and Values: Self Reliance

Community Builder

Teacher will take attendance and set the board with date, Vocabulary box and objectives, and T’s name.

Hot Seat Interview


  1. One student sits in the hot seat
  2. The other students ask questions for 30 seconds. The student in the hot seat only listens.
  3. After 30 seconds, the student in the hot seat answers two or three questions or as many as they can in a time limit.

*Before starting activity Ss can make up some questions, and ss should be able since they went over ‘Wh questions’ on previous lessons. (for a faster activity make 2-3 groups)


15 min

Activity 1:



Vocabulary building:

Listening/ Vocabulary



T will ask ss to write their physical address in their notebooks following the Dominican standard, and then ss do exercise 1 page 14 matching the prompts first name, address, and others with the picture of an envelope…

T will assign a ZIP code (51000) to the classroom and Street name (Beverly Hills) to each line where each seat or group of chairs would be a house or building Numbered in order (001, 002,  so on…  Santiago, DR.)  ss are to write a short message (advice or uplifting words “T helps with vocabulary’) and they should send it to another street (Line that has the same amount of ss, numbered equally.

T will briefly drill vocabulary from p. 14, and ask ss to write down the phrases. Along with mimics to understand use.

T will play audio for Dialogues on page 15, for Ss to read along and list difficult or interesting vocabulary from each dialogue; T will list it on the board and elicit ideas from Ss as they go dialogue by dialogue and give synonyms in order to broaden understanding.

Once ss has grasped context from conversations they are to stand up and read all conversations with different partners in mingling activity (1- pair up and read 2-Switch partner and read next) T might will CCQ by the end of conversations.






Activity 2:

Presentation and Practice

Presentation and practice B:

Location “Cardinal Points, Nationalities, Countries and Cities

T will place card on the center of the classroom with an arrow and a cardinal point before put in down he drill repetition and elicit correct position from Ss, taking into consideration that the North is towards the board. Or just drawing on the board the different points on top of a DR Map (There’s always one that’s very good at drawing) then Ask each other the following questions: Where’s your hometown? Where’s the capital of DR? Where’s located the most beautiful Beach? // T will model with one students with the following answers: It’s in the north of DR, in the Center of Cibao Region, and so on.

T will use Celebrity pictures from around the World, and others well knows, Write down their names eliciting from Ss, Country, Capital City and nationality, by using questions from Ex. 3. Page 16.






15 min

Activity 3:


Energizer / Warm up Activity

Jumping Numbers:  

Ss will be given pieces of paper with numbers up to 100, they can’t show their numbers to anyone, They are to get down and at T’s signal “1,2,3, go’ they must start jumping and saying the names they were given in the order they have it. (Numbers could be given out in order but disarranged is more fun)


Activity 4


Guided practice:

Presentation B

Fluency Activity:

School Subjects / Jobs and Occupations

T will direct tell ss what his favorite subject in High School was or his least favorite (in case it was Math) and Ss are to mention theirs, If they don’t know they look at the pictures on page 17.

Ss are to ask each other the questions at the bottom of the page. (T models by giving his own example.

T will drill pronunciation of Occupations from the same page, and elicit some other from ss in order to assess the ones they’ve learned by heart.

Ss will play charades with Jobs/occupations, where they can be divided in two teams or just have a couple of students stand and mimic the jobs.



Activity 5.


T will take ss to page 18 to work in groups of (3-4) on exercises 1 (Possessive Adjectives)  and 2,3 and 4 (Verb To be Negative and Interrogative Formation)

Giving Ss the chance to practice what they learned and help each other. T will walk around but let Ss do their work.

Double check exercises by stages as an entire Class.


 Wrap Up


HOT POTATO: Ask class to stand up and make a circle and by passing any object around, at T’s signal ‘Music stop’ Ss will have a minute to share how they feel and what they’ve learned.

10-15 min

Homework to be assigned.

*Exercises from workbook and customized hw for notebook,

*Ask ss make groups and learned the parts of “Robin Hood Episode 1” or assign a particular group each two units.

5 min


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