- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  21 de Junio de 2013  •  201 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  278 Visitas

Depends on what you mean by nationalism. Nationalism can vary from simply being national pride or patriotism, but generally, nationalism is linked either directly or implicitly to racism, racial conflicts and bigotry where by the population is indoctrinated to behave in frenzied and unquestioning manner.

Nationalism if the word is used without judgment the positives are: Patriotism and national pride. This is opposed to national apathy or even self hatred of one’s nation and its culture. And also, a more cohesive society so long as nationalism is not linked to racial qualities. True positive nationalism embraces newcomers and instills them with the same pride in their new homeland that those born there already have. although nationalism today is taken as a way of racism against other cultures and different thoughts, creating conflicts and problems, which has generated controversies without numbers worldwide, because people associate it with fanaticism in which there is no tolerance for other cultures.

In conclusion, I think that nationalism could help to reinforce cultural identify, if it is used in a good way, because in a nation should be primordial its culture, customs and traditions, but without make conflicts with others nations, in a good relationship with others cultures existent.


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