Enviado por MOCHY • 14 de Julio de 2013 • 1.332 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 281 Visitas
The word authority in a business field can be defined like "the faculty to send and the correlative obligation of to be obeyed by others". A more complete definition would be "the faculty to make decisions that produce effects". Are used to distinguishing four diverse types: the two first, of legal kind, they form the power or the exactly said authority; the two last form more well the moral authority that give the prestige, the know-how, etc., and are complements that should be given in any of the two basic.
The word responsibility stems from the latin responsum, that is a latin american form of the verb responding .respon (respond) sability (ability). In the corporate world one must be responsible in order to achieve success. That’s why I chose to talk about corporate social responsibility. The Corporate Social Responsibility (RSC) is the form to conduct the business of the businesses that is characterized for keeping in mind the impacts that all the aspects of its activities generate on its clients, employed, shareholders, local communities, and environment and on the company in general. It implies the obligatory compliance of the national and international legislation in the environmental, labor, social environment and of Human Rights, as well as any other voluntary action that the business wants to undertake to improve the quality of life of its employees, the communities in which it operates and of the company in its entirety.
The 5 principles that govern the RSC for the Observatory of RSC:
• The RSC includes the compliance of the national legislation in force and especially of the international norms in vigor (OIT, Universal Statement of the Human Rights, Norms of United Nations on Responsibilities of the Transnational Businesses and other Commercial Businesses in the sphere of the Human Rights, Lines Guidelines of the OCDE for Businesses Multinationals,etc.). * The RSC is of global character, that is to say affects to all the areas of business of the business and their participation, as well as to all the geographical areas where they develop their activities. It affects therefore, to all the chain of necessary value for the development of the activity, installment of the service or production of goods. * The RSC behaves objective ethical commitments that are converted in this manner in obligation for whom them contracts. * The RSC is declared in the impacts that generate the business activity in the economic, environmental, and social environment. * The RSC is oriented to the satisfaction and information of the expectations and needs of the interest groups.
Delegation is the practice of turning over work-related tasks and/or authority to employees or subordinates. This is one of the themes that charge greater importance to the moment to treat with a Small or Medium Business or Family Business.
The delegation charges adds importance by the simple fact that someone that does not delegate owes, unfailingly, to be occupied for all and each one of the themes that retains under its environment. It is as well as hierarchical personnel of businesses carrying out tasks can be found and functions that nothing has to do with its hierarchy, not since the point of view of status but operating, such as to carry out the maintenance of a machine while decides on the need of the bookstore elements purchase or the best way of stowing the merchandise in a truck.
While it is in charge of that type of tasks perhaps is leaving sideways the decision on the conditions of sale with a client particularly or the analysis of the need of technological updating of its plant.
We can find more than one definition on DELEGATING, but we incline for defining it "the decision of agreeing authority to a collaborator for the achievement of objectives by whose obtaining, nevertheless, the final responsibility is retained".
By short means two are the first conclusions that can be removed of this definition:
Delegating authority; is delegated authority. The final responsibility is retained; never can be delegated the responsibility.
The chain of command, sometimes called the scaler chain, is the formal line of authority, communication, and responsibility within an organization. The chain of command is usually depicted on an organizational chart, which identifies the superior and subordinate relationships in the organizational structure. According to classical