- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  6 de Septiembre de 2011  •  327 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  530 Visitas

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 Verb to be in the present simple tense


1. Complete the sentences with am, is, or are.

a) I am a student. 

b) My parents are great people. 

c) My sister is very pretty. 

d) Her cousins are musicians. 

e) His uncle is at the movies. 

f) My sister and I are best friends. 

g) Kara is Kelly's sister-in-law. 

h) My cat is lazy. 

i) Our aunt is a French teacher. 

j) You are really tall! 


2. Complete the table.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am I am not am I?

You are You are not are you?

He is He is not is he?

She is She is not is she?

It is It is not is it?

We are We are not are we?

You you You are not are you?

They are They are not are they?















3. Rewrite the sentences using the interrogative and negative forms.

a) I am an English student.

I- Am I an English student?

N- I am not an English student


b) She is a good friend.

I- Is she a good friend?

N- She is not a good friend


c) They are soccer players.

I- Are they soccer players?

N- They are not soccer players


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