Que Son Los Ambientes De Enseñanza Y Aprendizaje
Enviado por erickvezagu • 8 de Junio de 2015 • 1.121 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 162 Visitas
Talking about teaching and learning environments is considering an array of educational elements with sub-areas such as economy, technology, psychology, among others. Moreover, it involves a huge work between teachers-students, teacher-society, society-goverment creating an inevitable bridge where their relations do a strong bond to establish the ideal setting for teaching and for learning. Let’s begin with defining learning environment which refers to the diverse physical locations, contexts, and cultures in which students learn1. Due to this definition, we can notice society plays an important role to form a learning context for our learners/students and governments are responsible of providing this atmosphere with their rules that let the culture be born. On the other hand, teaching environment must be almost the same definition but instead of students we may say teachers/tutors teach: refers to the diverse physical locations, contexts, and cultures in which teachers teach. That’s why these ones do not work alone but together with other factors to make the perfect balance in the pyramid of teaching and learning.
Firstly, we must consider the classroom language. This makes me ask a question: Why do teachers need to talk in a class? Probably the answer will be: to instruct, to control students, to motivate pupils, to provide feedback, and so on. However, as a teachers we had better be careful about the amount of speech we do in a classroom. Students should have the chance to speak, they are able to talk about their lifes which sometimes is not in a lesson with a book. Here it is when we realize the importance of types of talk teachers use in a classroom. Students should take participation in this process in order to balance the number of words that only come from professors which ought to be avoid. Furthermore, explanations must be simple and clear as posible so that students can understand. There is no point to turn something simple into complex keeping in mind that our objective as teachers is facilitating the learning through easier ways as possible.
Secondly, taking into account the interaction between teachers and students is vital for the teaching and learning environments due to the roles that they can play in a classroom from being controlling to being a facilitative when it comes to professors. Knowing this help decide which tasks develop during the class and which ones will be more effcient and how: working in groups, pairs, individually, etc. However, it is also a need meeting learning styles that our students possess, their age and their interactional patterns. This integration will create a better atmosphere for studying and sharing knowledge which will be reflected in an effective communication through a diversity of material for each kind of teacher and each kind of learner. Do not forget physical aspects such as the teacher’s zone which is the area where he tends to interact more with some pupils than others so it is something to work on and this will depend on schools’ etiquettes and rules.
Lastly, the economical, cultural and technological conditions of a country sway into these environments. Onocha (1985) concludes that a child from a well educated family with high socio-economic status is more likely to perform better than a child from an illiterate family. This is because the child from an educated family has a lot of support such