Relacion consumidor -empresa.
Enviado por Karla Capurro • 13 de Septiembre de 2016 • Apuntes • 2.903 Palabras (12 Páginas) • 312 Visitas
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HISTORY AND SERVICE PACKAGE------------------------------------------------------------------------PAG.3
ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND SERVICE QUALITY----------------------------------------------PAG.5
INTERVIEW AND SWOAT ANALYSIS--------------------------------------------------------------------PAG.6
WEAKNESS, YSHIKAWA DIAGRAM ---------------------------------------------------------------------PAG.7
ARTICLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAG.8
PROPOSAL TO SOLVE THE MAIN PROBLEM----------------------------------------------------------PAG.11
They are a group of professional retailers being employed at this peruvian innovative company set up in 2011 ,that tries to give solution to a basic problem of every day: WHAT TO EAT? DYS is a service of restaurant - cafeteria of salads , wraps , vegetables cream , soups , lasagnas, sandwichs, desserts, juices and soft-drinks, with delivery route Internet or telephone orientated to people of all the ages, which tries to solve the lack of a healthy , rich and abundant food.
The special of our service is that you are the chef and can design your salad ,favourite wrap and choose the ingredients that you like the most with oneof their dressings.You also have salads that are already designed for you , in case you don’t have too much time .
-Location : it is located in 28 de Julio avenue block 5 , next to La Hacienda Hotel & Casino in Miraflores District . It is accessible way to arrive .
-Interior decoration: the furniture in the second floor is comfortale ( sofas, tables with a plant in the centeras anorment ,chairs ), the decorations is modern and it has a retro touch , in the terrace there are tables and seats, have gas heaters for the Winter and in the walls they have paintings that not coodinate with the second floor decorations and also the restaurant theme, the music is not loud and you can easily talk and hear what your friends , family or colleagues are saying .
-Supporitng equipment: Computer with the restaurant system, freezer (bar where they present the desserts) , equipment of the kitchen.
-Architectural appropriateness:unique façade with the logo of the brand and plants (full glass with the logo brand so people can look through while they are walking )
-Facility layout: traffic flow in peak hours it can be difficult to arrive ) , little space to park .
-Consisency : fresh vegetables , soft wraps , creamy soups
-Quantity : Abundant portions
-Selection: variety of ingredients the customer have total freedom to choose their own ingredients and create their own salads and wraps combinations , depending on their likes.Furthermore , they offer soups , veetables cream , handmade moussaka , vegeterian hamburguers, sandwichs ,juices , soft-drinks , not so many desserts .
-Accurate: sign next to the door with the days and hours they work .From Monday to Sunday from 11:00 to 22:30
Payment :accept cards (Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Discover and Cash)and cash
Facebook, Twitter , Instgram and their website .
-Training of service personnel: It feels like them don’t train suitably their personnel, the cashier was not attentive, she doesn’t offer or recommend somethig else apart from what we asked , the service is confusing becuase you seat in your table they bring you the manu but the waitress told you to go and ask for your food tothe cashier and she will bring you the food .
-Consistency : the product is well explained in the menu , the cashier told you what you can choose(salad o wrap) , she didn’t help at all .
- Comprehensiveness:Easy to find anything I need.
-Availability :waitress never present , so if you need something you have to go by yourself to ask what you need .
-Status: It is relatively new , it is a restaurant for vegetearians or vegan people and people who cares about being healthiy and eating well .
-Convenience: free WIFI and free parking
-Privacy and security: no security guard , but the place it is safe.
-Attitude of the service: nobody makes you feel welcoming ,we felt like they don’t care about thier customers and necessities .
-Atmosphere: relaxing music ,decoration of the terrace was not coordinated with the second floor decoration.
-Waiting: we didn’t have to wait , but there’s no a waiting área.
-Organization: service of restaurant - cafeteria of salads , wraps , vegetables cream , soups , lasagnas, sandwichs, desserts, juices and soft-drinks, with delivery route Internet or telephone orientated to people of all the ages, which tries to solve the lack of a healthy , rich and abundant food.
Mission : To promote the culture of the good way to eat, by a good service, bearing in mind the tastes for the vegetarian food, allowing to improve the health of the people .
Vision : To manage to be the chain of the most successful restaurant in their category, and this way to generate work and investment for the socio-economic development.
Standrards and policies:This is restaurant chain, so they must have the same policies and same standards for the two restaurnats they already have ( one in Miraflores and the other in jockeyplaza ),but what we have seen is that employees don’t know how to treat the customers and they don’t pay attetion of what the customer needs ,plus the service is confusing , if someone doesn’t know that you must go and ask foryour food ,customers can feels like nobody wants to assit them, also they seen not to be prepared when you ask something you want to know from the menú.