Siebel Study Questions
Enviado por parch7 • 2 de Junio de 2015 • 3.818 Palabras (16 Páginas) • 273 Visitas
Siebel Study Questions
Siebel Study Questions 1
Brewery Hazards 2
Brewing Water 2
Enzymes in Brewing 3
Introduction to Sensory 4
Barley and Cultivation 5
Business of Brewing 6
Hops 7
Malting 8
Malt Analysis 9
Specialty Malts 10
Milling 10
Beer Styles 11
Mashing 12
Adjuncts and Cereal Cooker 13
Lautering 14
Mash Filters 14
Taste Panels 15
Recipe Formulation 15
Wort Boiling Systems 16
Wort Clarification 16
Wort Cooling and Aeration 17
Nature of Yeast 18
Yeast Growth and Fermentation 18
Biological Control 19
Brewery Effluent 19
Yeast Maintanance and Propagation 20
Cask Conditioning 20
Yeast Management 21
Cleaning and Sanitizing 22
Fermentation Control 23
Control of Fermentation Flavors 23
Brewery Hazards
What kind of a hazard does malt dust represent?
A= Lung disease and the danger of explosion on the brewery
What kinds of gases may be used in a brewery?
A= Oxigen, CO2, Nitrogen, laboratory gases, etc
What measure can be taken to reduce pressure hazards in brewing tanks?
A= Pressure sensing warning devices, inter-locks, cleaning vessels apropietly
What information is on the MSDS information sheet?
A= Informs you the properties of a substance and how to handle it
Brewing Water
Why is water such and effective solvent?
A= Because of the characteristics of the water makes nearly a universal solvent.
Why is calcium important in brewing water?
A= Protects enzymes from thermal degradation, extends activity, Improves trub formation during wort boil, decreases pH during mashing and wort boil, precipitate calcium oxalate(beer stone)
What is temporary hardness?
A= Temporary hardness is due to the presence of calcium hydrogencarbonate Ca(HCO3)2(aq) and magnesium hydrogencarbonate Mg(HCO3)2. It can be removed by boiling, addition of lime (calcium hydroxide) precipitates calcium and magnesium carbonates. Its known as alkalinity
What is permanent hardness?
A= Hardness of water that cannot be removed by boiling as it results mainly from the presence of calcium and magnesium chlorides and sulphates, it can be removed chemically. It can be removed with reverse osmosis
Dicuss 4 effects on brewing of high alkalinity.
A= Increases color of beer, lower extract yield of the malt, Produces harsh bitter hop flavor, less yeast growth, beer haze.
What are the 2 most commonly used 'brewing salts'?
A= Calcium and Magnesium
Define residual alkalinity?
A= Residual Alkalinity is the difference between the non-carbonate hardness and carbonate hardness. It can help predict mash pH
Outline the 3 general steps in brewing water adjustment.
A= First: Add calcium salts. Second: Add salts as needed to match beer style. Third: Adjust ph (5.5)to accommodate alkalinity by adding food grade acid.
Enzymes in Brewing
What is a catalyst?
A= A catalyst is a chemical substance which speeds up and slow down the rate of reaction without change its chemical properties.
What large biochemical family do enzymes belong to?
A= Proteins
What is the common ending for all enzyme names?
A= Ases
What does malt modification mean?
A= Breakdown of proteins through enzymatic activity
What practical way can a brewer determine the optinum enzymatic activity of his mash with repect to various temperature?
A= By controlling pH and temperatures in the mash
What 2 main brewing enzymes are known as starch degrading enzymes?
A= Alpha and Beta Amylase
What two main brewing enzymes that attack cell walls surrounding starch granules in malting barley.
A= B-glucans and Hemicellulases (cytases)
Proteins break down into what?
A= Peptides and Amino acids
What are the 2 most common starch degrading enzymes?
B- Amylase and A-amylase
Where is alpha amylase formed?
A= Formed During Malting
What do Endo and Exo prefixes mean?
A= Endo: From inside. Exo: From outside. (Alpha breaks from the inside, Beta breaks it from the outside)
Introduction to Sensory
List some reasons why sensory analysts vary from one test to the next?
A= Fatigue and adaptation.
What are the 4 "traditional" basic tastes?
A= Sweet, Salty, Sour, Bitter and Umami
List 4 reasons for using sensory evalutaion as a quality control tool.
A= Define beer flavor Profile, Monitor off-tastes, Maintain Product consistency, New Product development.
Describe the correct procedure for tasting a beer sample.
A= Aroma Impresions then Small sips, allow sample to sit on tongue for a moment then swallow.
Barley and Cultivation
List 4 reasons why barley malt is suitable for brewing.
A= Relationship between protein and starch is advantageous, Unique enzynes systems beneficial to brewing, Husk: protects malted grain a filter bed during lautering, Ability to develop flavor combinations(mostly creating in kilning)
List the characteristics of 2-row malting barley that makes is suitable for brewing.
A= More sugars, Higher extract, Lower enzymes, Lower Protein
List 3 Anyltical targets for the AMBA.
A= Cross breeding, Mutations, Genetic Engeneering#
Why is the barley husk important to brewers?
A= It acts a natural filter during lautering.
What is the function of the aleurone layer?
A= Reacts with gibberelic acids to initiate modification.
The endosperm is a living tissue? True or False
A= False
What does the acrospire become as the barley grows?
A= Becomes the leaf sheath ( the grass)
Hows is germination potential measured?
A= Visual Inspection
Why is thin barley unsuitable for brewers?
A= High protein, high enzymes, low starch content
What causes pre-germination?
A= Rain or excessive humidity.
What are the effects of plant