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Wild World. Guía para clase de inglés

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"Wild World"

By Mr. Big

I Fill in the  blanks

Now that _____________everything to you

You say you _____________something new

And it's breaking my heart ________________

Baby I'm _____________

And if you ___________________take good care

Hope you have a lot of nice ________________________

A lot of nice things turn bad ________________________

Oh, baby, baby, ________________world

It's hard ______________just upon a smile

Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world

________________________like a child girl

You know _____________a lot of what the world can do

___________________________heart in two

___________________want to see you sad, girl

_____________a bad girl

_____________________leave take good care

Hope you make a lot of nice ____________________

Just remember _________________of bad and ___________

Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild___________

It's hard to get by just ___________ a smile

Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world

And I'll always remember you like a ________________, I love you.

But if you wanna leave take good________________

Hope you make a lot of _________________out there

Just remember __________________ a lot of bad and beware

Oh, baby, baby, __________a wild world

________________to get by just upon a smile, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world

And I'll always ____________like a child girl, oh, yeah.

Oh, ___________, baby, it's a wild world

It's hard to get by just _________ a smile, yeah,

Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild____________

And _____________remember you like a child girl

II Read each word meaning. Then, make a sentence using it.

  1. Grieve /griv/v., grieved, griev•ing.

to (cause to) feel grief, distress, or great sorrow:
[no object]She grieved for her lost dog.[+ object]Her loss grieved me.[It + ~ + object + to + verb]It grieves me to refuse.[It + ~ + object + that clause]It grieves me deeply that she left.

griev•er, n. [countable]

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

grieve /ɡriːv/vb

  1. to feel or cause to feel great sorrow or distress, esp at the death of someone

Etymology: 13th Century: from Old French grever, from Latin gravāre to burden, from gravis heavy

ˈgriever nˈgrievingn , adj


  1. leave1 /liv/v., left/lɛft/leav•ing.
  1. to go out of or away from, as a place:[+ object]to leave the house.[no object]We left for the airport.
  2. [+ object]to quit:to leave a job.
  3. [+ object]to let remain behind:The bear left tracks in the snow.
  4. [+ object]to let stay or be in the condition stated:Leave the motor running.
  5. [+ object]to let remain in a position to do something without being bothered:We left him to his work.
  6. [+ object]to let (a thing) remain for another's action or decision:We left the details to the lawyer.
  7. [+ object]to give in charge; entrust:Leave the package with my neighbor.
  8. [+ object]to turn aside from;
    abandon or disregard:
    She left music to study engineering.
  9. to give for use after one's death or departure:[+ object + to + object]to leave one's money to charity.[+ object + object]She left him a lot of money.
  10. [+ object]to have remaining after death:He leaves a wife and three children.
  11. [not: be + ~-ing; ~ + object]to have as a remainder after subtraction:2 from 4 leaves 2.

leave off: 

  • [no object]to stop;
    The professor couldn't remember where she had left off from the previous lecture.
  • to omit:[+ object + off]We left him off the list.[+ off + object]We left off too many of her relatives from the list.
  1. leave out, to omit; exclude:[+ out + object]She left out a few important statistics.[+ object + out]You left them out of your report.

leav•er, n. [countable]

leave2 /liv/n. 

  1. [uncountable]permission to do something:to beg leave to go.
  2. permission to be absent, as from work or military duty:[uncountable]to ask for leave.[countable]allowed us a leave to visit home during Christmas.
  3. [countable]the time this permission lasts:30 days' leave.


  1. Idiomstake leave of, [+ object] to part or separate from:Have you taken leave of your senses? (= Are you crazy?)
  2. Idiomstake one's leave, to depart:We should take our leave before the speeches begin.

leave /liːv/vb (leaves, leaving, left)(mainly tr)

  1. (also intr) to go or depart (from a person or place)
  2. to cause to remain behind, often by mistake, in a place: he often leaves his keys in his coat
  3. to cause to be or remain in a specified state: paying the bill left him penniless
  4. to renounce or abandon: to leave a political movement
  5. to refrain from consuming or doing something: the things we have left undone
  6. to result in; cause: childhood problems often leave emotional scars
  7. to entrust or commit: leave the shopping to her
  8. to pass in a specified direction: flying out of the country, we left the cliffs on our left
  9. to be survived by (members of one's family): he leaves a wife and two children
  10. to bequeath or devise: he left his investments to his children
  11. (transitive) to have as a remainder: 37 – 14 leaves 23
  12. not standard to permit; let
  13. leave someone alone  
    let alone 
  14. to permit to stay or be alone

See also 
leave offleave outEtymology: Old English lǣfan; related to belīfan to be left as a remainder


leave /liːv/n

  1. permission to do something: he was granted leave to speak
  2. by your leavewith your leave  with your permission
  3. permission to be absent, as from a place of work or duty: leave of absence
  4. the duration of such absence: ten days' leave
  5. a farewell or departure (esp in the phrase take (one'sleave)
  6. on leave  officially excused from work or duty
  7. take leave  to say farewell (to)

Etymology: Old English lēaf; related to alӯfan to permit, Middle High Germanloube permission

leave /liːv/vb (leaves, leaving, leaved)

  1. (intransitive) to produce or grow leaves



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