Apreciacion de las Artes Unidad 4 y 5.
Enviado por Mario Peña • 17 de Octubre de 2016 • Apuntes • 1.439 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 491 Visitas
José Mario Peña Garcia
- Define what is music.
According to the book , music is the art that occupies the sound material , and because of its colocation in the time , the minimum unit of the musical structure is the note or sound , mixing this is the creation of a melody and chords. In a personal opinion , music is more than this , music is a life styling and give us experiences and moments to remember.
- What does consist the appreciation?
The appreciation is the process of understand and knowing the reasons that demonstrate the sensation that produce us an stimulating. An example of the appreciation could be the feelings and emotions that a music can produce to us , is the feeling that you feel when it sounds.
- Enumerate 5 sounds that you listen.
The sound of the birds , the alarm , traffic , people talking and the claxon of the cars.
- What differences exist between a sound and the music?
The differences between the music and a sound is that the sound is just a little part of what the music is. A sound is just a note that represents the sound , on the other hand , music is the set of notes combined , in a few words is called a melody , this is the difference between a music and a melody.
- Describe the characteristics of two different musical pieces.
Depending in the style of the music. For example , if I compare a country song and a electronic song , there are many different sounds in the songs. In a country song the principal instruments could be the banjo and the guitar , while the voice of the country singer is different and original. In a electronic song , the instruments that predominate is the beat and the drop , all created by computer.
- Listen a popular song and a piece of classic music , then compare its similarities and differences between them.
In my personal opinion , the popular song has a few accords comparing to the accords of the classic song. I listen the popular song and has no differences in all the songs , just like 4 accords and differences in all the song, comparing with the classic song , it has a lit of accords and melodies.
- Choose a musical piece and elaborate an essay where identify the rhythm , melody and harmony.
The song that I chose is the song treasure by Bruno mars , this song has a great rhythm , its has a rhythm similar to the songs of the 60s and 70s , the melody is a melody that makes you feel happy and you would dance instantly , the harmony has 4 different accords.
- Identify in a musical piece the four characteristics of the musical sound.
I choose a song called cardiac arrest by bad suns. The intensity of the song is normal , not quite at all. The ring of the song I think is the guitar , the guitar makes the song to looks different of the others , the altitude of the song I think is more acute than grave and the duration of the song is more than 3 minutes.
- Name 5 examples of different types of music.
Metal , blues , rock , country and alternative.
- What characteristics have an auditory visual object?
The concept of audiovisual means the integration or interrelation between the auditory and the visual to produce a new reality or language. In summary , an audiovisual could be a musical movie , where you combine the harmony with the visual art of a movie.
- Describe the physic , historic and psychological of an auditory visual object.
The characteristics of an auditory visual object. The physic : the trumpets , the people playing the instruments , the instruments itself , etc. The historic could be the place where is playing the song or the melody , the time that was created etc , and the psychological could be the emotions that the song represents to you.
The word music has different meanings , but the most commonly is what it means in latin , that is mousike , this word has two different meanings one that all related with the education of the spirit by the name of the nine gods of the music and the other meaning Is all related with the sound art.