Entrevista de wiston chochiill.
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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Ministry of Power Popular for Education
U.E.P. School “Ambrosio Plaza”
The Teques-State Miranda
Winston Churchill
Teacher: Student:
Jorge Delgado Verona Hernandez #13
8vo “C”
March, 2015
Table of Contents
Biography 4
Who was Winston Churchill? 4
How life did was your child? 5
Military career 6
Political career 8
Postwar period 9
Second term (1951-1955) 11
What was your biggest achievement for Europe? 12
Other hobbies 13
Last Days 13
Relacioados Drawings 15
Bibliography 16
Conclusion 17
This is an account of the life of Winston Churchill, a great patriot and a tireless defender of the interests of Britain. Necessarily, we mentioned historical facts and circumstances of the world at that time that, in our opinion, will complete the picture.
In this paper we have tried to follow the recommendation of Churchill: "The Muse of history should not be picky. He should see, feel it all and, if possible, sniff everything. Do not be afraid of those intimate details steal him away and would lessen the romance hero worship ".
We used the memoirs of Churchill as a basis for everything related to World War II. The importance of these "Memoirs" is marked by Churchill himself when he says:
"This is not a story, it is a case". Winston was writing the great argument for posterity, in defense of the facts developed during the time it was Prime Minister.
In the text we refer to Winston Churchill with his full name or just Winston, because his popularity was such that it was considered the British politician who else has also quoted by his first name. The words of his coat were: "Faithful but unfortunate". Our analysis found that was true, but his victories were well above their misfortunes.
Clinging to its principles, always wanted and achieved the best for his country
He was born on November 30, 1874 in Blenheim Palace, by then owned by his grandfather, seventh Duke of Marlborough. His father was Lord Randolph Churchill and his mother a stunningly beautiful American girl named Jennie Jerome. There is no doubt that in his early years knew happiness, for in his autobiography tenderly evokes the past days under the protective shadow of her mother, who was educated in addition to beautiful, intelligent and sensitive.
Perhaps for this reason, to be committed by his father in an expensive college Ascot, the child reacted with rebellion; being away from home was unbearable, and Winston expressed his protest to oppose everything that was studied. Often he was punished and their notes are always counted among the worst. When he entered the famous Harrow School in 1888, the future prime minister was included in the class of the most retarded students. One of his teachers said of him: "It was not an easy guy to handle true that his intelligence was brilliant, but only when wanted and studied with teachers who deserved approval...”
Churchill failed twice in succession on the entrance exams at the Military Academy Sandhurst. However, once he entered the institution took place in him a radical change. His proverbial stubbornness, determination and its indomitable spirit not abandoned, but the habit of dissent capriciously all began to disappear. He worked diligently, was applied and serious in class and soon stood out among the students of their level
Shortly after he joined the Fourth Hussars, cavalry regiment known as one of the best in the army. It was in 1895 in the war in Cuba, and fought in India (1898) and Sudan (1899); on the battlefields he learned about the art of war everything had not found in books, especially practical issues of strategy that later would serve to meet the enemies of England.
Who was Winston Churchill?
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill He was a British politician and statesman known for his leadership of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. It is considered one of the great wartime leaders and prime minister of the UK in two periods (1940-1945 and 1951-1955). Notable statesman and orator, Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, a historian, writer and artist. It is the only first recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature British minister, and was made an honorary citizen of the United States of America
He was born into the aristocratic family of the Dukes of Marlborough. His father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was a charismatic politician and Minister of Finance of the United Kingdom; his mother, Jenny Jerome, was of American origin. Being a young army officer, saw action in British, India Sudan and the Second Boer War. He gained fame as a war correspondent and books he wrote about his campaigns.
In the first policy for 50 years, he held many political and cabinet positions. Before the First World War, he was president of the Ministry of Trade, Home Secretary and First Lord of the Admiralty as part of HH Asquith Liberal government. During the war he continued as First Lord of the Admiralty until the disastrous Battle of Gallipoli, which he had sponsored and led to his departure from government. After a short time he served on the Western Front as commander of the 6th Battalion Royal Fusiliers Scots. He returned to government as Minister of Armaments, Secretary of State for War and Secretary of State for Air. After the World War, he served as finance minister in the Conservative government of Stanley Baldwin from 1924 to 1929, where he took the controversial decision to return the pound sterling in 1925 to the gold standard and the prewar parity, which many considered a deflationary pressure on the UK economy. Equally controversial was his opposition to increasing the autonomy of India and its resistance to the abdication of Edward VIII in 1936.
Although he stayed out of politics in the 1930s, led the warning about the danger of Adolf Hitler and the campaign for rearmament. At the outbreak of the Second World War, he was again appointed First Lord of the Admiralty and, following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain on 10 May 1940, became prime minister. His steadfast refusal to accept defeat, surrender or a peace agreement helped inspire British resistance, especially during the first difficult years of the war, when Britain stood alone in its firm opposition to Nazi Germany. He was noted for his speeches and radio programs that helped inspire the British people, which he led as prime minister until he was sure the Allied victory over the Axis powers.
After his conservative party lost the general elections of 1945, Churchill led the opposition. In 1951 he got back to being prime minister until his retirement in 1955. Upon his death in 1965, Queen Elizabeth II awarded him the honor of a state funeral which took one of the largest meetings of heads of state ever vista.2 Churchill is remembered as one of the most influential men in British history.