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Ergo soluciones para un problema global

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REVISTA IISE marzo 2023

Andrea Aime Saucedo Yassin Yaujar 20131138

José Fuad David Romo 20131135

Docente: Christian Yazmin Delgadillo Ramírez

Fecha de entrega: 20 de marzo 2023


Ergo solutions for a global issue

COVID-19 was one of the worst pan-demics in history, causing untold death and misery around the world. At the start of the pandemic, millions of employees transitioned to remote work, and ergonomists were there to help. I saw that members of our community succeeded in quickly developing guidance for appropriate computer workstation setups in the home, suggesting simple solutions for comfort and tracking the impact of these new work environments. Now, a di erent ma er presents an opportunity for us to showcase the value of ergonomics. For well over a year, human resources organizations have been predicting (accurately, I might add) that the number of employees leaving their jobs will be enormous.  e Washington

Post reported that manufacturers have seen the largest share of employees voluntarily qui ing their jobs, and it is more than just seeking higher pay.  ey also want to be respected, have more job  exibility and feel they can work safely.

Let’s think about who these employees are. Globally, millennials/Generation Y (born 1981-1996) and Gen Z (1997-2012) will together make up about 60% of the workforce by 2025, while Gen X (1965-1980) will make up just over 30%. Why is this important? Gen Xers are well-known to change jobs if their needs are not being met, while the Gen Ys and Gen Zs job-hop more than any past generation.  ey place a high priority on job growth, job control, meaningfulness of the work and work-life balance. It’s the

baby boomers (1946-1965) who are most loyal to a company, despite their views of the work, but they will be less than 10% of labor by 2025.

Given these developments, we ergonomics practitioners can further explain the importance and bene ts of “designing jobs around people” in terms other than just injury reduction or productivity increases. It’s been estimated that the cost to replace one employee ranges.

between one-half and twice a position’s annual salary. Yikes! How much could your company save by reducing its turnover rate? Do you factor this into your return on investment from ergo-related investments?

More importantly, when ergonomics improvements are made, how can they be put into a context that addresses these types of employee needs? Here are some examples I’ve come up with: Reducing the level of e ort required to perform a job.  is sends the message that the company values employee health and safety. It also can result in employees having more energy and willingness to participate in activities when off.

work, bringing a be er balance to their lives and more job satisfaction. Involving employees in work evaluation and design. I know that the term “participatory ergonomics” is used a lot, but I believe this is becoming even more important given the issues that most motivate Gen X, Y and Z workers and keeps them invested in their job or company.

Varying the type of tasks required of a job. Not only can this incorporate microbreaks into the work and provide physiological relief, but it helps employees develop new skills and personal growth. e world continues to present challenges to us.  e nature of work regularly changes, as do the characteristics of those doing the work.

And the beauty of the ergonomics discipline is its ability to e ectively adapt to and contribute to overcoming these challenges.  Gary Allread, Ph.D., is program director for SRI-Ergonomics, the consulting and training branch of  e Ohio State University’s Spine Research Institute. His work involves translating ergonomics and workplace biomechanics research into usable knowledge for industry. He is a certied professional ergonomist and serves as president of the Applied Ergonomics Society.  is commentary  rst appeared in the December 2022 “Ergo Connections” news letter  om the Applied Ergonomics Society. To learn more about AES and its mission, visit


Ergo soluciones para un problema global

El COVID-19 fue una de las peores pandemias de la historia, que causó innumerables muertes y miseria en todo el mundo. y miseria en todo el mundo. Al comienzo de la pandemia, millones de empleados de empleados pasaron a trabajar a distancia, y los ergónomos estaban allí para ayudar. Vi que los miembros de nuestra comunidad consiguieron desarrollar rápidamente orientaciones para la configuración adecuada de los puestos de trabajo informáticos en el hogar, sugiriendo soluciones sencillas para la comodidad y el seguimiento del impacto de estos nuevos entornos de trabajo. Ahora, una situación diferente nos brinda la oportunidad de mostrar el valor de la ergonomía. Desde hace más de un año, las organizaciones de recursos humanos vienen prediciendo (con acierto, debo añadir) que el número de empleados que abandonarán sus puestos de trabajo será enorme.  Washington Post informaba de que los fabricantes son los que más empleados han abandonado voluntariamente sus puestos de trabajo, y no se trata sólo de buscar un salario más alto, sino también de ser respetados, tener más flexibilidad laboral y sentir que pueden trabajar con seguridad.


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