- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Foucalt, Gibraltar

Enviado por   •  20 de Junio de 2014  •  2.535 Palabras (11 Páginas)  •  367 Visitas

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The issue of insecurity has assumed in recent years a privileged place in the mass media and public opinion. The demand for an answer to the problem of insecurity is expressed increasingly pronounced in campaign speeches and shape the political agenda. From this, different arguments are propagated as to what should be the most appropriate measures for a "war on crime" (Wacquant, 2010), including the repressive policy plays a fundamental role.

One of the problems that have brought the massive influx of immigrants from poor countries to rich countries has been the emergence of xenophobia, aporofobia, racism, and other intolerant attitudes towards foreigners.

One of the debates currently plaguing Spain is whether it is fair or not the new Aliens Act, and if in fact a law making it harder for foreigners to get to Spain is required. Every day in the news we see images of hundreds of migrants trying to reach Spain in small boats to dying, if not all, half of them. Is big business of immigrant trafficking networks, will sell the idea of coming to a rich country in exchange for thousands of dollars

Illegal immigrants are divided into three groups: SSA (which includes natives of Sudan, Cameroon, Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, etc..), Algerians and Moroccans (who try to impersonate the latter constituting a population almost floating).


In Security, Territory and Population, Foucault distinguishes two diagrams of power, discipline and security, which are focused on different goals. While the disciplinary society controls crime from monitoring and correction mechanisms at the individual level, the security company, part of the diagram of biopower, focuses primarily on the regulation of populations, defined as "political problem, as a problem both scientific and political, as a biological problem and a problem of power "(Foucault, 2000: 222).

Biopolitics is a technology of power "will address random events that occur in a population taken in his life" (Foucault, 2000: 222). This technology acts on humans and their environment at the population level, attending events of a global nature, such as birth, mortality, endemic diseases and aging. In the words of Foucault, this power "regularization is to make live and let die" (Foucault, 2000: 223).

Security technologies are aimed at the population, and to act on it is necessary to act directly on the medium "security try to put a medium based on events or series of events or possible elements, which need to be regularized series a versatile and transformable framework "(Foucault, 2007: 40). It is important to note that the diagram does not replace the security discipline, but becomes dominant over the other. Therefore, we believe that in analyzing the issue of (in) security is necessary to note that there are two diagrams that act simultaneously: that of security, which aims to act on the environment, or "public space", and discipline, which includes power tactics that act on individuals through institutions such as school, family and the judicial and correctional systems.

In this sense, the concept of governmentality refers to self-government by the subjects, who are made so by their passage through power devices, so their moral visions, aspirations and practices bear the mark of these devices (Murillo, 2008). Thus, the concepts and individual complaints regarding the issue of insecurity will be marked by the presence of the mechanism of governmentality.

In turn, governmentality is part of statecraft, defined by Foucault as "thoughtful way to make the best government and, at the same time thinking about the best way to govern" (Foucault, 2007: 17 ). Works as mediation between being the duty of the state government must do. The author argues that the art of government is to "manipulate, maintain, distribute, restore balance of power, and do so in an area of competition that involves a competitive development. In other words, the art of government is deployed in a relational field of forces "(Foucault, 2009: 356). Therefore, it can be transformed from historical changes in power relations and changing its objectives.

The economics of art to liberal government is based on the production, consumption and ensuring freedom through government regulations. Freedom is a relationship between rulers and ruled that occurs ambivalently between leaving some freedom while still being able to mold individuals. And security will be the beginning of calculation to guarantee freedom, and will "protect the public interest against the individual interests" and "protect individual interests against all that may appear in connection with them, as an intrusion from the collective interest "(Foucault, 2007: 86). Thus at the heart of liberalism is given a game between freedom and security is articulated through different dispositives.

If the liberal art of government economic market principle and the principle of laissez- faire politician appeared as a unit, in the art of neoliberal government these elements appear dissociated. The mechanism of competition no longer appears, as liberals, as a natural fact that works by itself and requires only a few adjustments, but as an artificial formal structure required for its development of a permanent surveillance and intervention (Foucault, 2007). In neoliberalism, human beings are seen as naturally unequal, but in turn free and rational. Competition being the centerpiece of this art of government, individuals must manage their powers, their "human capital" (Gary Becker), making free and rational decisions that will lead to success or failure individually (Murillo, 2011).

Following Foucault, the police is one of the tactics of statecraft for population regulation. In the seventeenth century, this was understood as "all the means by which they can increase state forces while this good order is maintained." (Foucault, 2009: 357) To reinforce this definition, Foucault introduces the comments of two authors of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which conceptualized the police as responsible for maintaining the "splendor" of the state. In this regard, Foucault argues that the splendor is "at once the visible beauty of order and brightness of a force that is manifested and shines. The police are, in fact, the art of the splendor of the state in order and shining force visible "(Foucault, 2009: 358).

In modernity, from a redefinition of the forms of social control, the role of the police is reduced to its downside: the impediment to the emergence of certain disorders (Foucault, 2009). So one wonders how this tactic is built statecraft that currently prevails.


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