Enviado por juliones • 15 de Febrero de 2014 • 944 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 247 Visitas
1. When the novella opens, how long has it been since Santiago last caught a fish?
(A) 40 days
(B) 84 days
(C) 87 days
(D) 120 days
2. Manolin’s parents refuse to let the boy fish with the old man because they believe Santiago is salao. How does Hemingway translate this word?
(A) “Crazy”
(B) “Selfish”
(C) “Washed up”
(D) “The worst form of unlucky”
3. How does Hemingway describe Santiago’s eyes?
(A) They are full of pain.
(B) They are blank with defeat.
(C) They betray the weariness of his soul.
(D) They are the color of the sea.
4. What kind of reception does Santiago receive at the terrace café?
(A) The fishermen regard him as a hero.
(B) Most of the fishermen mock him.
(C) The successful fishermen offer him a portion of their day’s catch.
(D) The younger fishermen pretend that the old man doesn’t exist.
5. Who is Santiago’s hero?
(A) Harry Truman
(B) Joe DiMaggio
(C) Dick Sisler
(D) Fidel Castro
6. What hangs on the wall of the old man’s shack?
(A) A photograph of his wife
(B) The latest baseball scores
(C) A mounted fish
(D) Pictures
7. On the night before he promises Manolin to go “far out” to sea, of what does Santiago dream?
(A) A great storm
(B) A beautiful woman
(C) Lions on the beach
(D) A wrestling match
8. Why does Santiago not let his lines drift like the other fishermen?
(A) He is a stubborn man who prefers the old-fashioned way of fishing.
(B) He believes it is imprecise, and he strives always to be exact.
(C) It is dangerous, as he might become tangled with another boat.
(D) He is no longer young or strong enough to control a drifting line.
9. What kind of fish does Santiago first catch?
(A) A tuna
(B) A marlin
(C) A shrimp
(D) A Portuguese man-of-war
10. How does the old man know immediately the size of the great marlin he has caught?
(A) Soon after taking the bait, the fish jumps into the air, showing itself to the old man.
(B) Santiago has encountered this fish before as a younger man.
(C) He pulls and pulls on the line and nothing happens.
(D) He doesn’t know the size of the fish until after the sharks have attacked it.
11. During his great struggle with the marlin, what does Santiago wish repeatedly?
(A) He wishes he were younger.
(B) He wishes for better equipment.
(C) He wishes that the fishermen who mocked him earlier were present to witness his victory.
(D) He wishes that the boy, Manolin, were with him.
12. In what year was The Old Man and the Sea published?
(A) 1950
(B) 1951
(C) 1952
(D) 1953
13. As his first full day of fighting with the fish wears on, what does Santiago begin to think about his adversary?
(A) He praises the fish because it promises to bring a wonderful price at market.
(B) He considers that he and the marlin are brothers, joined by the fact that they both ventured far out beyond all people and dangers in the water.
(C) He detests the fish for its vigor and vitality.
(D) He believes that the fish