Enviado por lalocastillo • 14 de Julio de 2011 • 2.112 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 1.046 Visitas
The Use of Multiple Inteligencies to teach English lexicon
José Eduardo Castillo Caballero
The Use of Multiple Inteligencies to teach English lexicon
By José Eduardo Castillo Caballero
Well nowadays its amazing to know that with the use of intelligence the humanity has been helped to advance in daily life and to solve problems, one of the mains motivations I had to do this work is that intelligence is useful in the life, why is not possible to include it in the learning of English lexicon?
Because the knowledge of the lexicon is sometimes very complicated to the teenagers and I realized every student has a different style to acquire words, especially when they are acquiring a new language so I began to look for specific method to know the differences between how a student learn with other one.
One more aspect about I decided to do my thesis on this subject is that when a foreign person wants to learn a second language it is very necessary the knowledge of words, because without vocabulary how would it be possible to speak a foreign language. In this case I focused in English language.
So as an English teacher I want to help my students with functional work, that I could use to teach lexicon English and they could use to learn English lexicon.
In this sense the theory of Multiple Intelligences of Howard Gardner, propose a new way of teach and learn, that the standardized studies will be change by multiple ways of learning that permit take advantage the huge and developing knowledge. That is why I decided to propose a didactic methodology that permits generate strategies of teaching based in the Multiple Intelligences
This theory opens new possibilities to integrate the development of teaching and learning abilities of teacher and students.
And something useful and meaningful to know how a student is different to learn with other are the multiple intelligences. Then I began to collect and read information about the multiple intelligences. Because I noticed that every one of us is intelligent but sometimes in a different way. So I decided to work on and analyze how I could know what kind of intelligence has every one of my students. I found specific test to measure the capacity of every student in order to know which is higher or which is lower.
The Telesecondary Maria Esther Mendoza Santamaria is located in Santiago Coltzingo, a small town belonging to Santa Rita Tlahuapan municipality. The town is cataloged as a poor place, where the main activities are the production of seeds as corn, beans, and also the photography. This school is public and its location allows students from rural communities surrounding the campus to continue studying despite their economic situation. Although it is a public school, students pay since the beginning of every scholar period $400 pesos. So the economic status is very low.
This school has around 190 students distributed in the three grades. So I am working with third grade, in which one I will focus my attention to apply my investigation. My group has thirty students, fifteen women and fifteen men that are almost finishing their studies in secondary school.
The English level of my students it is based in two previous levels which regarding to the Common Reference Level established in the curriculum study 2006 it is marked the Independent user in level A2 waystage 180-200 hours of study). I mention this because I regard it necessary to know the point of departure to work in my project. But despite of this I am not assuming my students has the level wanted, that is why I did a pre-test to know the approximate level of my students have.
The economic possibilities so as I mentioned are low. Almost all the students haven’t enough money to continue studying, because Telesecondaries were created to the poor and far towns of Mexico. I talk about this aspect because my students haven´t enough contact with English language.
Also I want to mention that in a Telesecondary the teacher must give all the subjects, it is like the primary school in Mexico, only one teacher to teach all the subjects: Mathematics, Spanish, Chemistry, Physic, Geography, Mexico History, Theater and English. I mention this aspect because I regard all the context of my investigation has to be clear and well delimited.
Theoretical Foundations
The method I am developing is based on the of Multiple Intelligences theory.
¿Who is Howard Gardner?
Howard Gardner is a cognition teacher and education in Graduated School of the Harvard University and he is recognized by the Multiple Intelligences theory (TIM), in which he affirms human being posses multiple ways of learning and comprehension. The Multiple Intelligence Theory is a cognitive model that looks describe the how the individuals use their intelligences to solve problems and create products.
To difference with the other models, the Gardner´ s approach is focused especially in the way how the brain functions with the world content (for example the objects, people, certain kind of sounds). One theory apparently related, with the visual-auditive-kinetic). It is in fact very different to the Multiple Intelligence Theory because is a model of several sensorial channels (The theory of the IM isn´t related necessarily tied to the senses; It is possible be blind and have spacial intelligence or deaf and being very musical)
Garner talk about brain has several intelligences and identify seven ways of know).1) the human being is able to know using the language.2) about mathematic –logic analysis. 3) The spacial representation.4) Through the music. 5) Using the body to solve problems and making things. 6) Of one comprehension of the others individuals and 7) one comprehension of themselves. Where the individual are different in the intensity of this intelligences, in this way we apply the intelligences and we mix them to solve problems to progress Gardner, (1993: 27).
Gardner conceives the intelligence and builds on his theory with a brain vision formed by two components: the contextualization and the distribution.
Instead of suppose we had independent intelligence of a culture that we have to live, today a lot of Scientifics regard the intelligence as the result of one interaction, for one side, the potentialities and in the other hand the limitations that characterize a cultural context
The distribution is center in the relation of one person with things or objects in an environment, interacting with the own capacities and values so