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Merchandise an territory customs

Enviado por   •  25 de Junio de 2014  •  200 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  252 Visitas

merchandise an territory customs.

Exportation: is the extraction any merchandise an territory customs.

Merchandise: that s all objects as may be imported o exported.

Importers: people that in its name matter merchandise already is that the bring with him or that a third brig them they.

2) Customs Employee: / Despachante de Aduana

The customs employee is the nexus forced between the import commerce - exporter and the state.

There are people visible are licensed to dispatch that act as auxiliaries of commerce and customs service. They are the agents responsible for carrying out the classification of the goods, the customs declaration for the preparation and processing of documents required for all foreign trade operations.

Requirements to be enrolled in the Register of Customs Brokers:

• be an adult

• have standing to assert for yourself commerce and enrolled as a trader in the Public Registry of Commerce.

• complete secondary education

• Accredit real domicile.

• Establish special address in the urban area of the office in which it will be active.

The challenge of the Customs Agent is today, assuming the correlative to those covered by the customs administration functions, collaborating and participating with its primary objectives, driver and improvement of the various customs operations and the perception of a fair final rent.


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