Enviado por Gabriela Moreno • 13 de Abril de 2020 • Tarea • 1.485 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 111 Visitas
Siempre hablamos de nuestras emociones, lo que sentimos en diferentes situaciones, lo felices, enojados o aterradores que somos, pero rara vez nos detenemos a pensar, dónde se originan y por qué nos sentimos así. Los sentimientos y emociones que experimentamos son la forma en que nuestra parte psicológica reacciona a diferentes cosas que nos afectan en cada momento y nos muestra lo que está sucediendo dentro de nosotros y lo que estamos sintiendo.
Una de las emociones es el miedo, que creo que es un sentimiento que va más allá de ser valiente o cobarde, que nos puede ayudar mucho, nos puede herir y eso es algo que siempre está con nosotros, aunque no podamos percibirlo claramente, porque nunca estamos 100% seguros de las cosas ya que no las conocemos.
El miedo es un sentimiento que nos hace desconfiar de algo o de alguien. Está vinculado a la inseguridad. Las personas con mayor inseguridad en sí mismas son vencidas mucho más fácilmente por el miedo. En general, nos ponemos nerviosos o nos enojamos y creamos un rechazo, tratando de evitar la situación o lo que sea que produce esta sensación extraña de que algo no está bien. Por lo tanto, el propósito del miedo es advertirnos sobre una situación de peligro. Creo que proviene de nuestro instinto de supervivencia y, por lo tanto, siempre está presente, porque siempre intentamos sobrevivir, consciente o inconscientemente.
Finalmente, me doy cuenta de que el miedo es algo que todos llevamos dentro y que no nos deja solos. Siempre existe la posibilidad de caer, de fallar, incluso si es mínima. Cuando estamos enamorados, por ejemplo, el miedo al abandono está presente o cuando sufrimos, el miedo de no poder ser felices de nuevo. La diferencia es que algunos continúan avanzando, tomando este sentimiento y luchando, motivados por lo que quieren y esto los hace verdaderamente valientes, porque sin miedo no hay valor. Por otro lado, otros se dejan vencer por el miedo, o simplemente se sienten demasiado débiles para superarlos por sí solos que permanecen inmóviles, sin avanzar y no avanzar es perder la grandes oportunidades que se nos presentan.
Read the article and then answer the questions.
In the question 26-33, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D in your answer sheet.
We always talk about our emotions, what we feel in different situations, how happy, angry or terrifying we are, but we rarely stop to think, where they originate and why we feel that way. The feelings and emotions that we experience are the way in which our psychological part reacts to different things that affect us in each moment and shows us what is happening inside us and what we are feeling.
One of the emotions is fear, which I think is a feeling that goes beyond being brave or cowardly, that can help us a lot, it can hurt us and that is something that is always with us, even though we can’t clearly perceive it because we are never 100% sure of things since we do not know them.
Fear is a feeling that makes us distrust something or someone. It is linked to insecurity. People with greater insecurity in themselves are overcome much more easily by fear. In general, we get nervous or get angry and create a rejection, trying to avoid the situation or whatever it is that produces this strange feeling that something is not right. Therefore, the purpose of fear is to warn us about a dangerous situation. I think it comes from our survival instinct and, therefore, it is always present, because we always try to survive, consciously or unconsciously.
Finally, I realize that fear is something that we all carry inside and that does not leave us alone. There is always the possibility of falling, of failing, even if it is minimal. When we are in love, for example, the fear of abandonment is present or when we suffer, the fear of not being able to be happy again. The difference is that some continue to advance, taking this feeling and fighting, motivated by what they want and this makes them truly courageous, because without fear there is no value. On the other hand, others let themselves be overcome by fear, or simply feel too weak to overcome them on their own that remain motionless, without advancing and not advancing is to lose the great opportunities that are presented to us.
1. What other title could be used according to the text?
A. We let ourselves be invaded by fear?
B. Experimentation of emotions
C. Fear is in us
D. Loss of opportunities
2. According to the text, what does the author think about fear?
A. Fear is a feeling that makes us insecure or courageous.
B. Fear is only in our psychological part.
C. It is a feeling of anguish caused by the presence of a real or imaginary danger.
D. It is a feeling of distrust that will always be present.
3. Which of these aspects do you think the text needs to make it more complete?