- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Pensamiento De Marketing

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D.G, Brian Jones & David D. Monieson

Early Development of the

Philosophy of Marketing Thought

An extensive study of archival materials is used to examine the phllosophlc origins of marketing thought

two centerB of early development, the University of Wisconsin and the Harvard Business School. Evi-

dence suggeets that the German HIstorical school of economics provided much of the philosophie foun-

dation of the dlsclpllne,

N this ttrticle, wc attempt to examine somo of ihe

I arem from which menheh cemuf¥ mukehng

thought omergeh tn order to povkh a conG aceoun

of hs phuosopbh origh. Murkdng bhHOhana hae

ideudRd m first amodal Ms, books, and arMes

inrtnlnlng 1o rnnrketing ns wc know it IolIay(BartcJB

1962), Howovcf, these clemcnl reflect marketing o7Ico

t had been hbeled m such. W do no uke hsu whh

he accepeo Gsdom abou who the fhw markedng

ichol#uti wcr c, what constitutes thc earliest marketing

homm, 'which unhsky counm were the hsl

n tho fiold of marketing. Nor do wc attempt to re-

hhne nafkedwg as k was concehed hhhw. Thee

hm obon thc udy huoT of mnrkdng khu wn

: crminly considcrc<l. However, idens do nol« lcvelop

n a vacmm. Wo dm· ofom look beyond ths patch

mk of surfaco facts md klwuw som common

). G, Ban Jonos ls Arslslant Proh$ sor ot Marketing, School of Busl·

IQ$* Mmlnlstta\lon, Unlvor* lty of Prlnco Edward Island, Chorlolterown.

)avld D. Monloron II Nabisco Professor of Marteling, School or bust·

tll$ t Ouron's Unlvonltl, Kingston, Ontario, The authors thank Ronald

: ovM Slonloy Shapiro, George Fist Slanloy Hollander, Thomai Kln·

loor, and nw« nonymous JM r» vlew» rs for constmaivo comments, and

ho Summor Rosoanh Prognm of the School of B\tsfness, Outen's Unl.

'ertltyt tor bndlng In connection wilh\ho rosearch,

threads, Moro precisely, the pulpose of our mticlc is

1o RendO and Geschhe suuu of the phuosopbk m. ·

HPinnh of nmkehg,


SDbkan hhodcal uwarch MoMs the coum.

nmnlysis, nnd reporting of primary dntn (Snvitt 1983,

p. 30). Thorcforc, archival research was an e$ sential

pall of our study. Previous historical mcarch in mar-

keung lms idwfied the Sgnihcm conhhuors to the

disciplino(Bartels 1951, p. 4; Converse 1959; Wright

nncl Dimsdnlc 1974), the earliest published literature

(Converse 1933; Hngerty 1936), nnd the first univer-

sily courses (Maynnrd 1941 Monicson 1981, p. 14).

This lltcraturo provided rtrnny potential sources of pri-

may dabn.

Inttsmuch as the University of Wisconsin and Har-



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