Enviado por hansneyker • 29 de Abril de 2018 • Informe • 2.549 Palabras (11 Páginas) • 367 Visitas
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- General information
1.1 Name of the course : Certificación en Inglés Intemerdio I
1.2. Course code : 1.20.1213
1.3. Curricular area code :
1.4 Nature of the course : Compulsory - (theory/practice)
1.5 Level of studies : Pre-Grado
1.6 Academic term : VII
1.7 Credits : 1
1.8. Hours per week : 6 classroom classes, 3 virtual classes (theory/practice)
1.9. Total hours : 150
1.10. Previous requirement : 1.19.1213
1.11. Head teacher : Mg.
1.12. Teaching tutor :
- Features of the profile of the graduate program-related
Develop communication skills, which allow the application of language skills using a vocabulary according to specific contexts, applying grammatical bases in the structure of written and oral texts, so that it is a factor of personal living cultural, professional and labor.
- Summary
The phenomenon of globalization has contributed greatly to convert to Intermediate English in the language more important and necessary today. It is today essential training in Intermediate English level not only for labor but also to communicate and to access more knowledge and information to be updated.
Therefore, the Intermediate English course is structured through different units, in order to achieve an optimal level of teaching English as an element of communication between diverse cultures, as well as seek lead to personal and social interaction of the participants.
- General goal
Develop oral and written comprehension skills in English having a theoretical and practical foundation in Intermediate level which allow them understand and communicate making use of the four linguistic abilities such as speaking, reading, listening and writing in specific subjects and in an assessment environment towards the new acquired knowledge.
- Specific Objectives
- Listen and understand various texts of medium complexity related to their cultural and social environment.
- Express their ideas, opinions, emotions, feelings and experiences on issues of personal and social interests for a fluent interaction in all circumstances pronouncing correctly and demonstrating assertiveness in the communicative process.
- Understand varied texts of a greater complexity and extension related to the current reality subjects and expressed them in a simple language used in the English language.
- Produce various texts with adjustment, cohesion, coherence and accuracy about issues of personal and social interests taking into account the communicative purpose and the addressees.
- Specific topics for learning unit
Learning Unit | Specific Objectives | Specific topics |
1 What’s really important in life? | 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4. |
2 Where do you get your news from? | 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4. |
3 Do you get stressed when traveling? | 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4. |
4 Were you a spoiled child? What do you like to study? | 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 |
7. Strategies for teaching and learning
The methodology with which this subject will be developed focuses on the learning process of the participant, which will be using participatory techniques such as role plays, work in pairs, speech, work in group, brainstorming based on communicative situations connected with reality.
This methodology will also respond to the regime of studies in "Blended Learning" in the context of the communicative approach and systemic and collaborative learning in order to enhance the development of abilities and skills in students.
The development of the specific contents will be done through activities planned by the teacher and that the students will be the protagonists in the construction of their learning, teachers fulfilling different roles: motivator, mediator, facilitator, challenger and expert.