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Management Origins

Enviado por   •  19 de Febrero de 2015  •  532 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  192 Visitas

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Management Origins

Is hard to establish and determine when and how the management started, but well, to try to do this, we need to know first what is management, management is the action of coordinating people, to try to accomplish some kind of specific goals or objectives, and this requires a person with knowledge of how to use the available resources in an effective way.

Management is normally is the combination of different specific actions: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding and controlling.

Well, if we consider this definition and the actions that involve the management, we can define the management origins at the beginning of the human society, I mean it started with the first groups of humans that were formed at the past, the management is something that every human does, the human nature requires management, just the resources that are controlled change, for example:

Every person every day realize different actions, but to accomplish every single task, he/she needs to manage their time, we need to establish an horary, to go to sleep, to eat, to go to the school, to do some hobbies

Or when we work, we work to obtain money, to buy food, to pay for services, to buy some things that we want, etc…, to realize this we need to establish how we’re going to manage our money, how much we´re going to spend at food, at services, at gas, for fun, etc…

And now, to support my idea about the origins of management we know that at the cavern ages, the human groups used to divide the task of the group in different ways, some of them used to go to hunt, other we´re the “medics”, other ones used to recollect fruits or vegetables, other ones used to teach the kids the traditions, etc…

And every group used to have a leader, someone that was responsible of distributing the resources that the group recollected at the day, the food, the leather, the tasks, the wood, etc… this represents every single “step” that I exposed before, and the most important is that, the definition of management tell us that the management exists to reach a goal, and here we know that the goal of this people was to survive

This passed through generations, and most people started to manage different things, the appearance of merchants, of counters, administrators, kings, presidents, etc… is just the representation of the different ways of how the management started to “evolve” as a task

The methods may have changed through the time, but the more things change, the more they stay the same, nowadays we work to earn money, we need this money to buy essential things, and some other no essentials, but we do this, to “survive” , the management is present at every day of every human being, maybe in a different way but it is present everywhere, the management can be represented with a child that is thinking about saving a cookie for a while because he knows he´s going to be hungry


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