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Spelling Bee Book

Enviado por   •  17 de Agosto de 2014  •  4.201 Palabras (17 Páginas)  •  287 Visitas

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1-accelerate, verb, ac-cel-er-ate, to move faster, ak-sel-uh-reyt. Accelerate gently to get your wheels moving again and increase traction.

2-acceptable , adjective, ac-cept-a-ble, pleasing to the receiver, satisfactory, agreeable, ak-sep-tuh-buhl. High-quality scans of non-digital photographs are acceptable .

3-accessories,noun; adjective, ac-ces-so-ries, contributing to a general effect; an article or set of articles of dress, as gloves, earrings, or a scarf, that adds completeness, convenience, attractiveness etc. to one's outfit, ak-ses-uh-rees. Accessories are the finishing touches that complete the new silhouette.

4- achievable, verb, a-chieve-a-ble, to bring to a successful end, uh-cheev-a-ble. Make sure it's achievable and has the potential to contribute new knowledge.

5-achievement, noun, a-chieve-ment, something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, uh-cheev-muhnt. This is an impressive technical achievement.

6- acknowledgment, verb ,ac-knowl-edg-ment, to admit the existence, reality, or truth of, ak-nol-ij-muhnt. It is also an acknowledgment of the void he leaves behind.

7-acquaintance, noun, ac-quaint-ance, a person known to one, but usually not a close friend, uh-kweyn-tns. However, he presumes a prior acquaintance with Twain's work.

8-acquire, verb, ac-quire, to come into possession or ownership of, uh-kwahyuhr. Acquire all domains as a package, and receive a big discount.

9-adequacy, noun, ad-e-qua-cy the state or quality of being adequate, ad-i-kwuh-see. So it would seem they are concerned about adequacy on more than one level.

10- adjustment, noun, ad-just-ment, adaptation to a particular condition, position or a purpose, uh-juhst-muhnt. Payment adjustment information will be posted to this page.

11-administrative, adjective, ad-min-is-tra-tive, pertaining to administration, ad-min-uh-strey-tiv, -struh. The second visit had also involved an administrative matter.

12- advantageous ,adjective, ad-van-ta-geous, furnishing convenience or opportunity, favorable, ad-vuhn-tey-juhs. It was simply not a financially advantageous decision.

13-adventure , noun, ad-ven-ture , an exciting or very unusual experience, ad-ven-cher. Boys of all ages love a good adventure story.

14-adverse, adjective, ad-verse, unfavorable or antagonistic in oppose or effect, ad-vurs. I'm not at all adverse to getting apologies.

15- advertisement, noun, ad-ver-tise-ment, a paid announcement as of good for sale in newspapers or magazines, radio or television, ad-ver-tahyz-muhnt. I saw a big advertisement outside my house.

16- agglomeration, noun, ag-glom-er-a-tion, a jumble cluster or mass of varied parts, uh-glom-uh-rey-shuhn. It was an agglomeration of the absurd with a dash of arcane astronomical fright.

17-agitation, noun, ag-i-ta-tion, the act or process of agitating, aj-i-tey-shuhn. Anger and agitation can definitely be part of depression.

18-agreement, noun, a-gree-ment, the act of agreeing or of coming to a mutual arrangement, uh-reynj-muhnt, It doesn't look the arrangement will be permanent, though.

19-airborne, adjective, air-borne, carried by the air, as pollen or dust, air-bawrn. Everyone east of them has been choking on their airborne filth for generations.

20-Albany, noun, Al-ba-ny , a city in and the capital of New York, in the E part on the Hudson, awl-buh-nee. Albany is a big place.

21- Albuquerque, noun, Al-bu-quer-que , a city in central New Mexico, al-buh-kur-kee. Albuquerque is part of New Mexico.

22-allow, verb, a-low, to give permission to or for, uh-lou, Many colleges allow football players to take the easy way out.

23-alternative, adjective; noun, al-ter-na-tive, affording a choice of two or more things, propositions, or courses of action; a possible or remaining course or choice, awl-tur-nuh-tiv. Career choice in an alternative universe: music composer.

24- ambush, noun, am-bush, those who attack suddenly and unexpectedly from a concealed position, am-boosh. Two policemen and two soldiers were shot dead in an ambush.

25-ammunition, noun, am-mu-ni-tion, any material, means, weapons, etc., used in any conflict, am-yuh-nish-uh. The ammunition had been cobbled together from multiple sources.

26-anagram, noun; verb, an-a-gram, a word, phrase, or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters, to rearrange (the letters of a text) so as to discover a secret message, an-uh-gram. Wilbur writes that among her father's language interests were anagrams.

27-antiques, adjective, an-tiques, of or belonging to the past, an-teeks. They'd stop to go to the opera and trawl for antiques.

28-apostrophe, noun, a-pos-tro-phe, the sign


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