Analytic Essay of the movie Sybil
Enviado por l1nkryu • 9 de Agosto de 2015 • Ensayo • 1.389 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 650 Visitas
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Analytic essay of the movie: Sybil
Mario Alberto Martínez Llano
Teacher: Osvaldo Arroyo Caballero
In the present essay I will analyze the movie Sybil, from a psychological point of view in order to get a much better understanding of all the aspects and situations developed in the already mentioned movie.
First of all I intend to describe how the movie starts and how it begins to show you how Sybil behaves, from her most common likeness to her most unknown and sometimes dangerous reactions to specific things in her environment.
Then I’m going to take the relationship between Sybil and Dr. Wilbur as the following subject to analyze. I will review how they met, how their relationship started to evolve and how were the obstacles they had to deal with, and how they did it.
For the middle part of this essay I’m going to aboard the main subject of the movie for me, which was the different personalities that Sybil has. How they acted, their different ways to be of each of them, how they started to relate with Dr. Wilbur and which were their special functions for Sybil’s condition.
As for another part of the development of this work, I will make my conclusions about how the movie turns at its climax, after it, and how the movie reaches its end. In this part I will organize y thoughts about how Sybil’s condition develops, how it gets worse by the effect of some specific situations as triggers, and how at some other moments it looks perfectly how it’s getting better and going forward to a cure.
I am going to write separately the conclusions as: a my specific conclusions: where I’ll explain how the problems Sybil showed in the movie were conducted to a solution with a much better quality of living, and how this all happened, and therefore I’ll elaborate a general conclusion, in which I’ll explain how this movie made me feel, what my thoughts about the movie are and what I liked about and what I did not.
The movie starts by showing us who Sybil is and what she does. It begins with her taking care of a group of children in a public park, there they are playing in some kind of school excursion, where Sybil plays with them sometimes, as when they were already leaving the park, she gets them to play “follow the leader”. In that moment she experiences a lost of conscious of what just has happened, she was half in some sort of fountain across the park, as the children were looking at her, not knowing anything of what was occurring to her.
Since this incident, Sybil’s life began to have changes, all because her condition, until everything she wanted started to collapse. From the moment the children saw her incident, her special condition turned worse, suddenly she began to be a lot more nervous and to have more and more incidents frequently.
That is where the movie reaches its climax, when Sybil meets with Dr. Wilbur and starts her healing process. At this point, Sybil starts to affront her dark and hurtful past, several of her different personalities begin to come out to light.
Her relationship with Dr. Wilbur starts not without difficulty with all of Sybil’s personalities going and coming back, telling the Dr. a lot of different abilities that not even Sybil knew she had, like speaking in French, playing wonderfully the piano and painting, and with all of this, Dr. Wilbur gets to know little parts of who Sybil was for real, all that was left was the hard task to put them all back together in one.
Besides, meets one of her neighbors, the attractive Richard Loomis. He goes out with the recently personality of Sybil named Vanessa, a very talkative girl, social, always showing off her joy and almost permanent smile. She seems like the part of Sybil that wants to do everything new and unknown to her, like going out to dates with this new friend Sybil has made.