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Internationalisation & diversity in Education

Faculty of Education

Program 2013


Introduction 3

General Information about Hogeschool Utrecht 4

Organisation of the minor 6

The Program 8

Literature 17

Appendixes 19

Appendix 1: Teacher Competences

Appendix 2: Professional goals for the schoolpractice

Appendix 3: Assignments

Appendix 4: Courses and credits

Appendix 5: Incident Method

Appendix 6: Assessment standards


In this brochure, you will find information about the program of the minor

Internationalisation & diversity in Education, that we offer to both international and Dutch (HU-) students. You’ll find general information about the programme (i.e. courses, credits, etc.) and the specific course descriptions.

The first part of the brochure gives information about our faculty, its departments and courses.

This International minor is offered every year as our international Erasmus programme to international students studying at foreign teacher training institutes with whom our faculty has a bilateral agreement. The program starts in September 2013 and lasts till the end of January 2014, altogether 5 months and 30 ec.

Joske van Dulmen (coordinator of the minor)


Dik Groote Haar (Department of primary education)

GertJan Boog (Department of primary education)

Jaap Patist (Department of secondary education)

Emmie den Boon (Department of primary education)

Prachodayat Biesheuvel (Department of primary education)


International coordinator department primary education

Eliane van Herwaarden

Utrecht, April 2013

General information about Hogeschool Utrecht

The Hogeschool van Utrecht is one of the largest universities of higher professional education in the Netherlands. The university offers a wide variety of programmes in technology, commerce and administration, communications, health care, teacher training and social welfare.

Faculty of Education

The Faculty of Education is one of the largest teacher training institutes in the Netherlands with approximately 7000 students. The majority of students follow initial teacher training courses on a full-time or part-time basis.


The Faculty of Education, with approximately 400 staff members, is a centre of expertise in the field of new teaching methodologies. It encourages student teachers to adopt approaches like independent learning and problem-based learning in their teaching, with an emphasis on the teacher as a facilitator. The faculty also focuses on the integration of ICT and subject teaching. Courses take a student-centred approach. Students are required to carry out their own research, write projects and give presentations.

Department of Primary Education

The Primary Education Department (the Institute Theo Thijssen) offers a 4-year course training of primary education teachers (age range 4-12 year). The initial year provides an introduction to the profession of primary school teacher. The second and third year focus on the primary school curriculum. These years also include teaching practice periods in schools. In the third year the students choose to specialise in teaching younger children (4-8 years) or older children (8-12 years). In the fourth year students spend the majority of their time in the schools as student teachers.

Department of Secondary Education

The Secondary Education Department (the Institute Archimedes) offers courses in

training of secondary education teachers (age range 12-18 year) in languages, social sciences

and sciences.


A wide variety of courses are offered in the following subjects: Dutch, Dutch as a Second Language and English, French, German and Spanish as foreign languages. In the case of Modern Foreign Languages the majority of courses are taught in the target language.

Social Sciences

Social Sciences offers full-time and part-time teacher training courses in the fields of Geography and History.


The department offers courses in Life Skills, Biology, Chemistry, Health Education, Mathematics and Physics.

Department of Special Education

The Department of Special Education (the Seminarium voor Orthopedagogiek), provides a 2-year in-service degree course in Special Education. In addition an extensive in-service programme of short intensive courses is offered to the Dutch primary, special and secondary schools on issues related to special educational needs. The Department of Special Education also offers a three-year Master’s programme in special educational needs for teachers with a bachelor’s degree (the Special Education Diploma).

Department of Dutch Sign Language

A very special department of our faculty is the Department of Dutch sign language and deaf studies. This institute started in 1997 the training teacher/interpreter and offers education and research at a very high level. It is the only place in the Netherlands for this kind of study. The institute offers education at bachelor- and master-level.

Organisation of the minor


This international minor is open to both international students from our international partner universities and to Dutch students who are participating in teacher training studies or studying psychology/pedagogics. We focus on those students who want to work in education.


The main objective of the program is to develop: world citizens, internationally minded people: i.e. inquiring, knowledgeable and caring people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through


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