- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

El mundo de los negocios es muy fascinante e interesante al mismo tiempo (Inglés)

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Module 2


Read this selection.

Answer some questions about it.

Grupo de 5 estudiantes

No olvide usar la hoja de talleres, enviada por segunda vez a su correo


Ordene alfabéticamente los apellidos

Cambie los datos de la hoja de talleres.

Use otro color de tinta para sus respuestas

Enviar a mi correo institucional

Fecha de entrega miércoles 20 de mayo hasta las 6:00 pm. El único dia

para enviar es miércoles durante el dia y antes de las 6:00. No enviar

ningún otro dia que no sea miércoles por favor.

1. The Origin of Business

The business world is very fascinating and interesting at the same time.

There is some evidence that the cavemen began the business activities a

long time ago. The two main activities they started were fishing and

hunting. Later, agriculture evolved as one of the most important human


Bartering was the first and simplest type of business or comercial

transaction, It consisted of the exchange of one product for another

product. For example, the hunter gave the fisherman a rabbit and the

fisherman gave him a fish in return. It happened when there was a surplus

or excess in production within a primitive community. Money was not an

element involved in barter transactions.

Some years later, to facilitate world commerce, trade evolved as the

second type of business transaction. It consisted of the exchange of one

product or service for money. For example, Jose buys a pound of sugar at

the supermarket and he pays with money.

The modern business world consists of either the trade o products or

services, or both. Eventually, banks evolved in the process as a mechanism

to facilitate comercial activities within a country and around the world. Products are those godos that are concrete or that can be seen and

touched such as books, cars, computers, etc

Services in contrast, are abstract transactions, meaning that they cab not

be seen or touched. Examples: banking, tourism, insurance,

communications and others.

Business transactions take place domestically or internationally. Domestic

trade refers to the business transactions that take place within a country.

For example, supermercados El Rey in Panama city buys lettuce from

Chiriqui. International trade refers to those business transactions that

take place between nations or overseas. Examole, Spain buys coffee from


Imports result when a nation purchases products or services from another

country. Example, Panama purchases cars from Japan and Colombia buys

computers from Korea. Exports result when a country sells products or

services to another country. Example, Panama sells bananas to the United

States. Therefore, when a country buys godos from another country this is

considered imports, while for the country sellin the products it represents

exports. For example, panamá buys refrigerators from Korea; for Panama

this transaction is considere dan import while for Korea it is an export.

 Questionaire (24) pts

1.What are the three main activities cavemen perform?

2.What does bartering consist of?

3.Was money part of the activity at the time?

4.Give an example of trade

5.What is the second type of business transaction?

6. What does trade consist of?

7.What do banks evolve?

8.Define products

9.Define service

10. What is the difference between product and service?

11. What does domestic trade refer to?

12.What does international trade refer to?

13. Give example of import

14.Give example of export.

1. El origen de los negocios

El mundo de los negocios es muy fascinante e interesante al mismo tiempo.

Hay alguna evidencia de que los hombres de las cavernas comenzaron las actividades comerciales a hace mucho tiempo. Las dos actividades principales que comenzaron fueron la pesca y caza. Más tarde, la agricultura evolucionó como uno de los seres humanos más importantes.


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