- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  4 de Mayo de 2015  •  2.042 Palabras (9 Páginas)  •  291 Visitas

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1.1.- ACTIVIDAD OBLIGATORIA: La redacción, ortografía y la presentación del trabajo académico en este formato. (2ptos.)

 PRIMERA ACTIVIDAD: Lee cuidadosamente las actividades a realizar:

OBJETIVO Seleccionar a una persona que Ud. considere un líder y dar detalles sobre el/ella sea Peruano o extranjero. Brindar información personal (nombres completos, edad, nacionalidad, estado civil, familia, hobbies, etc.)

ACTIVIDADES • Selecciona a un hombre o mujer que sea un líder.

• Indica de manera sencilla toda la información acerca de este personaje (Names and Last names, Age, Nationality, marital status, family, favorite activities, etc.) anexa una foto.

• Emplea la estructura gramatical desarrollada en el curso.

PUNTOS A EVALUAR • La redacción correcta y ordenada de los párrafos acerca del líder.

• Utilizar su creatividad para presentar la información solicitada y el vocabulario apropiado.


PUNTAJE 5 puntos

RECOMENDACIONES Asegúrate de utilizar el vocabulario aprendido en este curso y de recordar la correcta escritura de las palabras que sean necesarias para desarrollar el trabajo. Toma como referencia las ayudas. Si desconoces alguna palabra puedes recurrir al diccionario o al traductor, pero solo como apoyo, más no para elaborar todo el trabajo.

1. - Lider : Mario Vargas Llosa

 Mario Vargas Llosa was born on Sunday March 28, 1936 in a family of middle-class mestizo and Creole descent in the city of Arequipa in southern Peru.

 He was the only child of Ernesto Vargas Maldonado and Dora Llosa Ureta, who were separated months before birth to divorce .

 Shortly after his father revealed that he had a relationship with a German woman and as a result of this union were born two half brothers under the writer Enrique and Ernesto Vargas

 Henry died of leukemia at age eleven. Ernesto is the second lawyer and a U.S. citizen.

 Mario lived with his maternal family in Arequipa until a year after the divorce of their parents.

 Mario continued his primary education at the Salesian College Don Bosco, in Lima studied . At 14, his father sent him to the Leoncio Prado Military Academy in Callao, where he attended boarding the 3rd and 4th year of secondary education between 1950 and 1951.

 At 19, he married Julia Urquidi , his maternal aunt party, who was 10 years older . Due to this act caused rejection in his family were forced to separate for a time being newlyweds.

 Mario since childhood always liked writing and reading, who years later became one of the most important writers of history , is one hobby anthat is probably one of the few fans who are on the earth , which is passionate collector of hippos .

 One of his best novels that captivated much his followers, was " the Hero"

 In 1994 he was appointed as a member of the Royal Spanish Academy. after winning the Nobel Prize in 2010 .

 SEGUNDA ACTIVIDAD: Lee cuidadosamente las actividades a realizar:

OBJETIVO Seleccionar la institución donde Ud. o un colega labora y hacer una descripción detallada de tal lugar.

ACTIVIDADES • Elegir una compañía o empresa.

• Haz una descripción del lugar teniendo en cuenta algunos detalles que considere importante.

• Para efectuar el trabajo detalle lo siguiente (staff, las áreas o departamentos , muebles, enseres, útiles de oficina, etc) que existen en el lugar seleccionado, utilizando THERE IS – THERE ARE en afirmativo y negativo y preposiciones de lugar.

PUNTOS A EVALUAR • El uso de vocabulario apropiado.

• El uso de las estructuras gramaticales (There is- there are- nouns, adjectives, simple present tense)

PUNTAJE 6 puntos

TEMAS A REVISAR Revisar la Unidades II,III,IV y V.

RECOMENDACIONES No recibirán calificación alguna aquellos ejercicios realizados con traductor en su totalidad.

Anexa una foto para revisar la información brindada.

La copia de Trabajos de Internet o de otro participante será valorado con 00

Company: Natucultura S.A.

 Us Natucultura SA It was created on December 30, 1991, has branches in Chile, Ica , Cañete and Piura ; domiciled founded the hive district Pachacutec , province and department of Ica, with RUC 20451871286 leading company dedicated to certified seed production , committed to the development of its activities in accordance with its mission and vision to create a modern look, with products of the highest quality , allowing us to achieve our commitment in the international market .

 In Piura I is located in the district of the massacre in the province of Morropon, department of Piura, the farm is located near Slaughter 10 minutes, where you will find the rich and delicious ceviche, litter, dry chavelo and more in the picanterías.

 This prestigious company has 22 offices in the estate of Piura, but not all are noble with brick and cement materials , 10 of which are rustic wooden bone items , for within these facilities are well located the areas available to the company. as is the area of cucurbits, logistics, production, pepper, QC , tomato , these areas are located in the new offices that innauraron last year June 26, 2013 , in this new module apart 06 new offices above areas, also located management , reception and boardroom . within the front office of management where the manager is sitting there is a beautiful wooden table design with 04 chairs , the manager uses the engineer Juan when he meets with those involved in the issue when they are 3 to 4 people , for example when meeting with managers of the irrigation area which is 3, the engineer in charge of irrigation Oswaldo tomato, Claudia irrigation engineer responsible for pepper and cucurbit Abelardo irrigation manager also against this table there is a whiteboard markers plus 3 blue , red and black plus a blackboard eraser , to understand with clarity the points you are trying make use of the blackboard. at desk manager is also his personal laptop , one


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