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“Germany: HDI VS Fertility Rate Correlation between the years 2004 to 2013”

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“Germany: HDI VS Fertility Rate Correlation between the years 2004 to 2013”


Karen Rocha


Cultural Factors in International Business


Isidro Fierro, MBA

Samborondón, 3rd, January, 2014


Key words

HDI, developing countries, developed countries, fertility rate,

Cultural Factors in International Business

Germany: HDI VS Fertility Rate Correlation between the years 2004 to 2013”


In the last 10 years the population in the whole world has been expose and force to implement different strategies to manage population growth and distribution. There has always been an issue when talking about the amount of people living in earth. There has always been a preoccupation of habitant’s enjoying the natural resources and not taking care or explode resources as they should not.

A concern, of taking care of the world now, so future generations can enjoy resources the way the present population is doing it, all this situation have been going through the mind of human kind.

On the other hand, living aside the population growth and its negative impact to the world, now countries have been taken measures for population shrinking, so totally opposite from the first situation.

The Shrinking population can be easily defined as the decreasing amount of babies that are born in the last decade and the growing amount of elder that a country has been having. Another meaning to shrinking population written in a article of the American Century Proprietary Holdings, Inc, has the title of “Declining Population Means Japan Has to Do More with Less” that basically posts how Japan has to manage itself when population of greater amount is going to be conform by elder instead of younger people to produce and maintain the country. Of course the reality is that this case is not only happening with Japan, but with the rest of countries as well.

Has this manner of population shirking has happened because before governments applied different policies to stimulate people not to have children? As an example, China and the “One Child policy” in 1979 or Thailand, that was the first country to implement these incentives for people to have fewer children. Can this factor be consequence of what we are living today? Well, statistics of some Asian countries like China, India, Thailand, Pakistan and Philippines comparing it to European countries like, Germany, France, Denmark, Finland and Switzerland will give us the correct answer. Because it is not possible that neither China nor Thailand can create such Shock to the world.

Nevertheless, this global issue of shrinking population can be cause by many factors such as religion, a countries income, culture, education, Human Developing Index and so many others.

It’s a contradictory situation that is happening with population. Governments mostly in developed countries that are having bigger issues with shrinking population have been figuring out how to solve this future problem that is coming up. Those developed countries applying different strategies for this problem have similarities and specific characteristics such as having a slower growing population, higher incomes, higher


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