Global Competitiveness Report
Enviado por Ade.Glezes • 7 de Mayo de 2015 • 1.221 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 196 Visitas
Key indicators, 2013
GDP(PPP) per capita (int’l $), 1990–2013
GDP (US$ billions)..................................... 1,258.5
GDP per capita (US$)................................. 10,630
GDP (PPP) as share (%) of world total 2.12
1990 1992
1998 2000 2002
Global Competitiveness Index
Rank Score (out of 144) (1–7)
Stage of development
GCI 2014–2015...................................................... 61 4.3
GCI 2013–2014 (out of 148)..................................... 55 4.3
GCI 2012–2013 (out of 144)..................................... 53 4.4
GCI 2011–2012 (out of 142)..................................... 58 4.3
Basic requirements (35.9%).......................................69 4.6
Institutions .............................................................. 102 3.4
Infrastructure ............................................................ 65 4.2
Factor driven
Efficiency driven
Innovation driven
Macroeconomic environment ................................... 53 5.0
Health and primary education................................... 71 5.7
Efficiency enhancers (50.0%).....................................60 4.2
Higher education and training................................... 87 4.0
Goods market efficiency .......................................... 86 4.2
Labor market efficiency .......................................... 121 3.7
Financial market development .................................. 63 4.1
Technological readiness............................................ 79 3.6
Market size............................................................... 10 5.6
Innovation and sophistication factors (14.1%)...........59 3.7
Business sophistication ........................................... 58 4.1
Innovation................................................................. 61 3.3
The most problematic factors for doing business
Corruption 18.6
Tax regulations 14.5
Inefficient government bureaucracy 13.3
Crime and theft 12.9
Access to financing 9.8
Tax rates 8.1
Inadequate supply of infrastructure 6.1
Restrictive labor regulations 4.1
Inadequately educated workforce 3.7
Insufficient capacity to innovate 3.1
Policy instability 1.8
Poor work ethic in national labor force 1.6
Inflation 1.1
Foreign currency regulations 0.4
Poor public health 0.4
Government instability/coups 0.3
Business sophistication
Market size
Technological readiness
Financial market development
Labor market efficiency
Health and primary education
Higher education and training
Goods market efficiency
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Percent of responses
Note: Fromthe list of factors above, respondents were asked to select the five most problematic for doing business in their country and to rank thembetween 1 (most problematic) and 5. The bars in the figure show the responses weighted according to their rankings.
270 | The Global Competitiveness Report 2014–2015
2.1: Country/Economy Profiles
The Global Competitiveness Index in detail
1st pillar: Institutions
1.01 Property rights ....................................................... 4.0 78
1.02 Intellectual property protection ............................... 3.5 82
1.03 Diversion of public funds ........................................ 2.5 119
1.04 Public trust in politicians......................................... 2.2 114
1.05 Irregular payments and bribes................................ 3.4 99
1.06 Judicial independence............................................ 3.2 98
1.7 Favoritism in decisions of government officials ....... 2.7 99
1.8 Wastefulness of government spending................... 2.6 99
1.09 Burden of government regulation ........................... 2.9 118
1.10 Efficiency of legal framework in settling disputes .... 3.3 99
1.11 Efficiency of legal framework in challenging regs. ... 3.1 88
6th pillar: Goods market efficiency (cont’d.)
6.06 No. procedures to start a business*.......................... 6 57
6.07 No. days to start a business* ................................. 6.0 21
6.08 Agricultural policy costs.......................................... 3.0 132
6.09 Prevalence of trade barriers ................................... 4.4 70
6.10 Trade tariffs, % duty*.............................................. 8.5 92
6.11 Prevalence of foreign ownership............................. 5.1 38
6.12 Business impact of rules on FDI............................. 4.6 60
6.13 Burden of customs procedures.............................. 4.0 70
6.14 Imports as a percentage of GDP* ........................ 33.3 105
6.15 Degree of customer orientation .............................. 4.7 55
6.16 Buyer sophistication............................................... 3.5 63
1.12 Transparency of government policymaking............. 3.9 ............75
1.13 Business costs of terrorism .................................... 4.7 98
1.14 Business costs of crime and violence..................... 2.7 135
1.15 Organized crime..................................................... 2.7 140