International Leadership In Hospitality
Enviado por shuba • 3 de Junio de 2014 • 2.426 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 986 Visitas
Table of contents
1.0 Executive Summary 3
2.0 Introduction 3
3.0 Discussion 3
3.1 Strategic leadership 4
3.2 Transformational leadership 4
3.3 Transactional leadership 5
4.0 Issues 5
4.0.1 Corporate vision and mission 5
4.0.2 Cultural diversity 6
4.0.3 Nurturing and delegation 6
4.0.4 Teamwork 6
5.0 Impacts 7
5.0.1 Unity of working teams 7
5.0.2 Setting organizational tone, strategy and right culture 8
5.0.3 Improved individual employee personal performance 8
6. 0 Conclusion 9
REFEREENCES..................................................................................................... 10
1.0 Executive summary
The hospitality industry has had great evolution over ages especially so in the aspect of leadership and management. It is one of the most dynamic industries across the globe in the modern day context with so much differentiation of products and embracing varying leadership styles in order to cope with the ever-increasing pressure in competition. It is in this understanding that this paper intends to critically analyze the leadership style upheld by the Hilton global hotel with special attention to the leadership of the serving CEO, Christopher J Nassetta.
2.0 Introduction
Leadership is the art of imparting influence to people and making them willingly cooperate towards realizing an organizations purpose. In our analysis, Christopher, the CEO to Hilton Hotels exhibits great aspects of a leader and practices a range of leadership styles. In particular, he practices strategic leadership styles which entails the capacity of a leader to shape an organization’s decisions, deliver high value over time through not only his/her own efforts but by inspiring and guiding other people in the organization too (Wong, 2003, p. v). He also shows transactional leadership traits which are explained through the ‘exchange’ aspect that he cultivates between the leaders and the subordinates. Besides, Christopher practices transformational leadership styles, which shows high level of responsibility in creation of interactions and motivations (emotional attachment) within the leadership structure of an organization.
3.0 Discussion
There are some basic aspects of a leader, which are used to explain and describe strategic leadership. These are ‘defining and delivering to stakeholders’, ‘sustaining competitive advantage over time’, ‘developing and communicating the organization’s purpose’, ‘setting ethical standards’ and ‘managing human resource and organizational decisions’ (Hitt et al, nd. p. 376). In this paper, three different leadership styles for Christopher as exhibited in running Hilton hotel are discussed. These are strategic leadership, transformational leadership as well as the transactional leadership styles.
3.1 Strategic leadership
The strategic leadership within the Hilton hotels as shown by the CEO Christopher revolves around conducting an analysis, deciding on an appropriate course of action and finally taking the action. Here, the CEO shows a great command in raising the standards of performance of the hotels through application of leadership qualities that were gained through the previous positions in leadership within the same hotel industry. He has been strategic in policy making which is necessary in order survive within the highly competitive industry from the external environment, and from internal organization. This can be affirmed through the analysis of the hotel’s missions, visions, goals and objectives as against the other players within the industry. In the path-goal theory, emphasis is on the role of a leader in leading the way and having the subordinates follow. Christopher has clearly shown the aspect through taking the lead in shaping the organization within the tight competition as is currently facing the industry. He is a risk taker, an encourager as well as a support to the team. In this case, the leader is responsible of going ahead, while the subordinates follow; remove the ‘roadblocks’ that would hinder the rest from keeping up as well as increasing the gains reap along the way by the employees (Changing minds, 2002-2013, para 3; House, 1971, p. 321 ).
3.2 Transformational leadership
In transformational leadership, there is some emotional attachment where the subordinate would be willing to carry out a task even without any kind of a reward. It therefore thrives within mutual relations as against ‘transaction’ kind of a relation (Aarons, 2006, p. 8). The LMX theory is used in the analysis of how a leader perceives the subordinates or fellow members of a team. It therefore focuses on the effectiveness that arises when the leader as well as the subordinates has favorable ‘leader-member’ relationship. It relies on distinctions notable in the role assignment by the leader, role making as well as role allocation all stemming from the leader towards the subordinates (‘The Leader-Member Exchange Theory’, 2013, para 1-5). Concerning the style, Christopher distinctively commands great morale and motivation towards subordinates and team members working together. This connects him (the leader) and the subordinates and bonds a leader and the project being pursued as well as the collective identity that defines an organization (skinner, nd, para 4).
3.3 Transactional leadership
In transactional leadership aspects, Christopher would be commended in having the organization learn through appropriate remunerations, which would be supported, by the relatively few complaints as well as the labor complaints within the organization. There is effective interaction between the leader staffs and the subordinate staff that illustrates his embrace of transformational traits in leadership.
4.0 Issues
4.0.1 Corporate vision and mission
The current serving CEO to Hilton, Christopher J. Nassetta was appointed into the office in 2007 and has been very instrumental in driving the Hotel towards the set missions and vision over the years. His success in leading the company is attributed largely to his previous position in leadership within the hotel industry where he held a similar position with the ‘Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc’ (“President & Chief Executive Officer”, 2012, para 1-2). A leader in the hospitality industry in general must be a vision bearer of the organization, which he leads and as such serves to be the bearer of the direction to be pursued by others (Cutler 2010, para 1-5). The leaders is responsible of assigning tasks to team members who on the other hand will be responsible of driving the organization towards