Manual : Principles of Microeconomics
Enviado por deyvisgabriel • 28 de Agosto de 2013 • Tutorial • 1.324 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 561 Visitas
Principles of Microeconomics, 4th Edition
N. Gregory Mankiw Prepared by Linda S. Ghent
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The instructor’s material that accompanies the five versions of Mankiw’s Principles of Economics, Fourth Edition textbooks address the needs of both novice and experienced instructors. To meet the needs of these two groups, this Instructor’s Manual with Solutions Manual comprises both chapter outlines and teaching tips as well as solutions to all of the questions and problems found in the textbook.
Linda Ghent of Eastern Illinois University prepared the main portion of each chapter including a synopsis of what is new in this edition compared to the third edition. Her work for each chapter also includes a list of learning objectives and key points. These items are followed by detailed chapter outlines that focus on the content found in the textbook. Helpful tips and icons occasionally interrupt these outlines. The bomb icon (Warnings) indicates areas where students may have particular difficulty with the material. The light bulb icon (Bright Ideas) offers ideas for presenting the material in a new or more thoughtful way. Also included in each chapter of the Instructor’s Manual are classroom activities, developed in part by Charles Stull of Kalamazoo College. Each activity provides important details to assist in planning as well as clear instructions for leading the activity. Recommended “Points for Discussion” connect the activity to the relevant economic concepts discussed in the chapter.
Using these resources, an instructor can quickly review the chapter learning objectives and chapter summaries to make sure their lecture notes cover everything in the text chapter. In addition, the chapter outlines are designed as a base for creating lecture notes for novice instructors. They may also be used as a complete set of notes for more experienced instructors. Therefore, this supplement is also available electronically from the product support Web site (
For queries and grading, the Instructor’s Manual contains solutions to exercises from the textbook. Dean Croushore (University of Richmond) prepared many of the solutions for the “Quick Quizzes,” “ Questions for Review,” and “Problems and Applications” found in the textbook.
Core Micro Macro Essentials Brief
Part 1: Introduction Part 1 Part 1 Part 1 Part 1
1 Ten Principles of Economics 1 1 1 1
2 Thinking Like an Economist 2 2 2 2
3 Interdependence and the Gains from Trade 3 3 3 3
Part 2: How Markets Work Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2
4 The Market Forces of Supply and Demand 4 4 4 4
5 Elasticity and Its Application 5 5 5
6 Supply, Demand, and Government Policies 6 6 6
Part 3: Markets and Welfare Part 3 Part 3 Part 3
7 Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets 7 7 7
8 Application: The Costs of Taxation 8 8 8
9 Application: International Trade 9 9 9