- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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The Eat Well Plate is part of the Official Mexican Standard for the promotion and health education in food , which gives the criteria for dietary guidance . The main purpose of this standard is to establish general criteria for dietary guidance aimed at providing people practical options scientific support for the integration of proper nutrition that can fit your needs and possibilities. And to promote the improvement of the nutritional status of the population and prevent health problems related to food .

This NOM makes clear the characteristics of a proper diet :

Full: Containing all the nutrients . It is recommended food at each meal of the three groups .

Balanced: What nutrients keep the proper proportions to each other .

Harmless : that habitual consumption not hazardous to health because it is free of pathogens , toxins and pollutants and consume in moderation.

Enough: It meets the needs of all nutrients .

Varied: To include different foods from each group meals , tailored to their economic resources , without thereby being killed its other features .

The Plate of Good Eating, a feeding guide for Mexico , is a graph which depicts and summarizes the general criteria that unify and give coherence to the Food Guidance aimed at providing people practical options , with scientific support for integration of proper nutrition that can fit your needs and possibilities.

Features of Good Eating Plate

• In the design of the plate placed particular emphasis on avoiding convey the idea of importance or dominance of any of the groups . This led to the election of a circle, which then became cold plate away from technical concept of a pie chart and make a symbol clearly food .

• The geometrical concept of a circle is without beginning or end, implying that all groups are equally important.

• This course is divided into thirds with an area equivalent to each slice .

• Two of the three food groups are in turn subdivided into two sectors : in the case of group of vegetables and fruit slices are the same size , but in the group of legumes and animal foods two thirds the area are for legumes and other foods of animal origin , suggesting the proportion of them that are recommended to consume .

• It is interesting to note that in the Mexican dish potato is located in the grain group , as it is a starchy food with a high content of starch.

• With " combines " placed between the group of cereals and legumes , is to promote the combination of cereals and pulses , in order to obtain a better quality protein .

• In the dish was decided not to include fats and sugars . The reason for this was that these products are staple foods and ingredients , and the inclusion in the scheme as a separate group indicate the recommendation of forced consumption , other undesirable situation .

• As for the colors used : colors are used in general can relate to the foods included in different groups: yellow for grains , green for vegetables and fruits and a reddish to legumes and animal foods .

• In the dish recommendations are avoided giving quantitative , this was because the nutritional needs differ very significantly with age , body size , sex , physical activity and physiological status ( growth , pregnancy, lactation ) . So , according to the group that


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