Enviado por emart020297 • 25 de Noviembre de 2014 • 1.995 Palabras (8 Páginas) • 190 Visitas
Masonry is a SECRET Institution, founded based on Natural Law principles as are determined in the OLD LIMITS "Landmarcks"; also imprinted a characteristic of antiquity so remote, and radiates its teachings of Moral Philosophy so pure, that ensure your Progressive Plan, an educational supremacy social community, and that fact alone, he is assured RESPECT and vENERATION of All Nations Free exist on Earth.
His foundation has consistently relied on solid foundations, such as the discovery of what is REALITY own, as a factor that exalted to reach the knowledge of the truth, whose word is enclosed, as Flagship, the existence ONE SUPREME BEING.
That is why, belief in the Divinity, Love to Mankind, and Motto UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD, form the great pedestal that holds its doctrine, as a fruitful source of teachings, illustration and PROGRESS, which has many benefits brought not only their adepts but also the society and humanity in general; for that reason, in its temples, you learn to do good, to love and respect, all that virtue and reason, enshrined in its eagerness to UNIVERSAL ILUSTRACION.
Therefore, within the bosom of Masonry, and in accordance with its basic principles, we find that the SPIRIT OF FREEDOM, the need for the EVOLUTION and longing to PROGRESS; DESTROY CHAINS Poverty, Ignorance and Superstition, freeing humanity from exploitation and despotism, because, far from trying to invade the rights of others or DOMINATE exploit the weak and timorous spirits; consistently working closely UNITE EMANCIPATING And Mankind, through the sublime FRATERNAL TIES LOVE, which will achieve teach effectively, feelings of GRACE and WELL ARMONICO, whose factors are to be the effective enjoyment of DURABLE PEACE; That is indeed what the Masonic World SPREAD for all areas of the earth as its unique and TRUE INSPIRATION.
Masonic doctrines contain everything that may be necessary to train SOCIAL MAN, also giving it the highest conditions of Morality, Illustration and independent ideas; as the main attributes of your healthy EDUCATION; so you can march at the head of the true CIVILIZATION, which you can activate and direct the sacred RETARDANT MOVEMENT, LIGHTS and KNOWLEDGE, that harmonize and coordinate their ACCION, with the progressive spirit of our times.
Consistent with the reasoning in the above principles, the Freemasonry, according to the official definition, universally accepted, and contained in the codes governing our Order; defined as an INSTITUTION UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD essentially philanthropic, PHILOSOPHICAL AND PROGRESSIVE, which in turn also proclaims the existence of a Creator PRINCIPLE OF NATURE, to which we give the name, GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE, for which reason it also requires, in the fundamentals of his maxims, principles and teachings, such as mutual tolerance, respect yourself and others, as well as absolute freedom of thought, expression and AWARENESS.
Consequently, the doors of our temples are always open to all men of good will, no matter the Races or Peoples belonging, nationality dependent, nor what their opinions, beliefs or political faith they profess, provided they are of lIBERAL, DEMOCRATIC and IDEAS. all, MORALITY.
Our INSTITUTION is enthusiastically devoted to the investigation of the truth, to practice MORAL, spread the SOLIDARITY, to work for the betterment Material and Spiritual, Intellectual and achieve improvement in order to achieve SOCIAL PROGRESS they are entitled to enjoy all Humanity
Freemasonry spread extensively among all men, forcing them to maintain fraternal ties that bind the Masons who are scattered across the surface of the Earth, which demonstrates their continuing struggle for combat IGNORANCE, the APATIA and unhealthy pASSIONS, so is also within its own ranks, the SCHOOL LESSONS MUTUAL, as established in the programs of basic instruction, of SCIENCE, and PHILOSOPHY SYMBOLISM.
Such are the great principles, whose teachings NEVER should forget, since you are engraved in our minds, and later put them into practice personally and collectively, including all our neighbors, in order to ensure that: LIVE HONESTLY, is to meet our Social DUTIES, to obey the laws of the country in which you live, or offered us hospitality, is CUM .; PLIR with our DUTIES Civic and Asylum; REASON apply and work with JUSTICE, is a must for all DUTY Citizen Consciousness; to love our neighbors, wishing the Personal WELFARE, is a common duty among Men, the family and society; to teach the ignorant, AUXILIARY the needy and protect the weak, are DUTIES against humanity, to which we are all obliged to MEET, since only in this way, we can achieve the goal of our true mission in life, after have applied our harmonics, persuasive and eloquent MEDIA, the practice has shown us, for our EMANCIPACION, Physics, MATERIAL, MORAL or INTELLECTUAL that everyone is entitled.
MASONRY, honors and dignifies WORK, considering it as one of the most indispensable ATTRIBUTES, to achieve HAPPINESS men in relation to all its activities, taking into consideration that whoever takes their aspirations, feel the satisfaction of accomplishment, is why our ORDER, outlaws iDLENESS, fights iGNORANCE and educates the MAN, to teach the way of PROGRESS.
You have to know and understand, that the influence of the MORAL, the REASON and JUSTICE, beats anything that goes against the rights, freedom and human INTEREST, otherwise, all these factors can injure the UNIVERSAL sPIRIT FELLOWSHIP we proclaim.
Now if our institution bears the standard lift a high pedestal in HONOR to WORK, indicating that all among its adherents must be ACTIVITY AND PROGRESS is the fundamental reason that gives every INITIATED the sublime title WORKERS.
Moreover, the influence emanating MORAL the above concepts, clearly indicate that the efforts of man, are the means used to acquire the perfect application VIRTUE, as the only factor known to review FILOSOFICA authorized and lawfully admitted by the GRASSROOTS consciousness, for which reason we see that in the Codes of Nations, are considered as SUPREME agents, FREE AND SOVEREIGN POWER in the exercise of his administration, therefore, in this figure MASONRY most GLORIA, because she will be the most 'big WINS, with much justice, have placed as the first institution to the larger groupings born LOVE HUMANITY, and their interest in achieving the welfare of All Nations.
Finally, Freemasonry is defined categorically, by its mission DESFANATIZADQRA and his fight against obscurantism that prevails among the popular masses, which