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Barbarie de la utopía

JOSÉ / AGUILAR | ACTUALIZADO 29.07.2013 - 01:00

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EL informe del Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica de Colombia, dirigido por el filósofo e historiador Gonzalo Sánchez, ha tratado de resumir seis años de trabajo de reconstrucción y documentación del conflicto armado que lleva cincuenta y cuatro ensangrentando el país (ahora se negocia su difícil final).

El informe es sencillamente escalofriante. La radiografía de una barbarie. Ningún colombiano que haya nacido en las últimas seis décadas ha conocido a su país en paz. Sólo han vivido una guerra que ha causado 200.000 muertos y cuatro millones y medio de desplazados, 25.000 desaparecidos y 27.000 secuestrados. Una guerra que comenzó como guerrilla de los sectores marginados por una sociedad tremendamente desigual e injusta y acabó como orgía de sangre y sufrimiento tras la aparición de grupos paramilitares y la asociación de unos y otros con el narcotráfico.


Nombre: Walter Matango

Curso: 3ro “D”

Tema: Plato exótico o raro

Frog Legs

Frog legs are typical of Castilla - León, León especially in a place where " The Bañeza " , which apart from its alubiada (annual feast of beans) are typical and famous for their frog legs. I 'll give you a different recipe very easy and perhaps best for those who want to try for the first time , but in the end, I will also advice the recipe for frog legs La Bañeza .

• Frog legs Ingredients:

12 frog legs

1 lemon

2 eggs

flour for coating

oil for frying

SALSA FOR FROGS 'LEGS * 6 tablespoons oil * 1 onion * 1 clove garlic * 1 tablespoon flour * 1 cup dry white wine 1 cup beef broth * 1 cinnamon stick * parsley * salt * pepper

• How do frogs legs step by step:

Preparing frog legs the night before (see Tips). Also sold already cleaned and wrapped. If purchased and no longer need preparation. Haunches season them with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with lemon and had flour and beaten egg Fry them in oil client hasta golden. the reserve . Strain six teaspoons of remaining oil and add to skillet. Fry a clove of garlic and onion, previously chopped both.

Before they take color the garlic and onion, also add the flour and roast until we see it acquires a golden color ( or care not to burn the flour or garlic or onion ) .

We water with white wine the mixture of our pan, stirring constantly until it will form a sauce. Finally add the broth, chopped parsley and cinnamon stick . Boil the sauce a few minutes.

We take the legs breaded and fried frog and give a slight additional rump cooking and sauce.

Serve hot and sprinkled with


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