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programme of the national agency of U.S. Security (NSA), operative since 2007, allowing mass surveillance of citizens of the EU through direct access to the central servers of leading U.S. companies on the internet such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, Skype, or Apple. The amount and form of the data varies according to the company.

PRISM (or "Prism") program in Spanish allows the intelligence services access to varied mass information. As recorded in the leaked Power Point that own NSA explained its operation, it is able to obtain search history, contained electronic mail, file transfer, chats, photos, video conferencing or records of connections.


released by O Globo and Der Spiegel on July 20, is a program dedicated to the search for and analysis of the content and metadata of our online communications. It has the ability to access, without any authorization, practically any activity of the typical internet user, as highlighted by one of the slides published, aimed at the formation of analysts.

The purpose of XKEYSCORE, It is "allow analysts to search both the metadata and the content of e-mails and other internet activities", such as searches, conversations on social networks or the browsing history. And all this with a procedure that is as simple as filling out a form that does not require to justify the search, even when it is not part of a known email account in the system.

Searches can be made from the name, phone number, IP address, keywords, language or the type of browser used. Another slide shows how internet activity is continuously being collected by XKEYSCORE and the analyst has the ability to consult databases at any time.


program of the intelligence agency British GCHQ for access to computer and telephone networks, and location data, as well as some systems. It was uncovered by The Guardian July 21.

The GCHQ has access to the network of cables that carry telephone calls and worldwide internet traffic, and has begun to process large flows of sensitive personal information is shared with its U.S. partner, the National Safety Agency (NSA). They store large volumes of data coming from fiber optics up to 30 days so it can be filtered and analyzed.

This operation, whose code name is TEMPORA, has been running for about 18 months. In May of last year, 250 of the NSA and GCHQ 300 analysts had been assigned to process the flood of data captured.


programmes services of American spying (NSA) and British (GCHQ), respectively, to circumvent the encryption online. According to the guide of the NSA on Bullrun, can break encryption systems and secure protocols widely used, such as HTTPS.

Were made known by The Guardian, ProPublica and the New York Times on September 5. According to their information, these espionage agencies would have "eluded or cracked much of coding that safeguarding the banking systems and global trade and protects sensitive data like trade secrets or medical records. In addition, ensure that automatically display messages from email, internet searches, the content of chats and phone calls, of Americans and others around the world". "BULLRUN" and "EDGEHILL"

programs services of American spying (NSA) and British (GCHQ), respectively, to circumvent the encryption online. According to the guide of the NSA on Bullrun, can break encryption systems and secure protocols widely used, such as HTTPS.

Were made known by The Guardian, ProPublica and the New York Times on September 5. According to their information, these espionage agencies would have "eluded or cracked much of coding that safeguarding the banking systems and global trade and protects sensitive data like trade secrets or medical records. In addition, ensure that automatically display messages from email, internet searches, the content of chats and phone calls, of Americans and others around the world".


programmes of targeted attacks against TOR users, as they showed the leaked documents on its functioning published on 4 October. The way in which it operated were based not so much on attacking to the TOR network as the systems of the users accessing it, as he explained to The Guardian Bruce Schneier, an expert on computer security.

"TOR is a well designed and robust anonymity tool, and it is difficult to attack it successfully. Attacks by the NSA that we find are made on an individual basis and are aimed at users of TOR, exploiting vulnerabilities in their Firefox browsers, and not the TOR application directly", clarified Schneier.

After identifying a TOR user, "The NSA uses its network of secret internet servers to redirect users to another set of secret internet servers, with the codename FOXACID, to infect the user's computer". To execute this attack, the NSA would be a secret high-speed servers called QUANTUM.


program for the collection and retention of 200 million text messages a day that The Guardian brought to light the last 16 of January.

Presentation filtered on this program (of 2011) details how the NSA was able to extract, every day, on average, data "more than 5 million of alerts of missed calls (where you get the social network of a person and when comes in contact)".

And much more. "Details of 1.6 million border crossings a day, from roaming ("roaming") alerts; more than 110,000 names, using business cards (which also includes the ability to extract and save images); and more than 800,000 transactions, both through payment service that connects users with their phone credit cards", as highlighted by The Guardian. In addition to extract the data from geo-location of more than 76,000 text messages a day.


activities of piracy and malware against institutions, other espionage agencies and operators telecommunications.

In leaks of the past months are unveiled, along with massive espionage programs, a wide range of attacks and intrusions by American and British intelligence agencies.

La NSA was introduced without problems in the internal networks of Google and Yahoo to intercept the information flowing between huge data centers that these companies remain in the world, as reported by the Washington Post on October 30.



Programa de la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad estadounidense (NSA), operativo desde 2007, que permite la vigilancia masiva de ciudadanos de la UE mediante un acceso directo a los servidores centrales de empresas estadounidenses líderes en internet, como Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, Skype o Apple. La cantidad y modalidad de los datos aportados varía según la compañía.


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