Statistical Process Optimization Through Multi-Response Surface Methodology
Enviado por kimahri • 12 de Abril de 2013 • 2.410 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 384 Visitas
Abstract—In recent years, response surface methodology (RSM) has
brought many attentions of many quality engineers in different
industries. Most of the published literature on robust design
methodology is basically concerned with optimization of a single
response or quality characteristic which is often most critical to
consumers. For most products, however, quality is multidimensional,
so it is common to observe multiple responses in an experimental
situation. Through this paper interested person will be familiarize
with this methodology via surveying of the most cited technical
It is believed that the proposed procedure in this study can resolve
a complex parameter design problem with more than two responses.
It can be applied to those areas where there are large data sets and a
number of responses are to be optimized simultaneously. In addition,
the proposed procedure is relatively simple and can be implemented
easily by using ready-made standard statistical packages.
Keywords—Multi-Response Surface Methodology (MRSM),
Design of Experiments (DOE), Process modeling, Quality
improvement; Robust Design.
ESPONSE Surface Methodology (RSM) is a well known
up to date approach for constructing approximation
models based on either physical experiments, computer
experiments (simulations) (Box et al., [1] ; Montgomery, [2])
and experimented observations. RSM, invented by Box and
Wilson, is a collection of mathematical and statistical
techniques for empirical model building. By careful design of
experiments, the objective is to optimize a response (output
variable) which is influenced by several independent variables
(input variables). An experiment is a series of tests, called
runs, in which changes are prepared in the input variables in
order to recognize the reasons for changes in the output
response (Montgomery & Runger [3]). RSM involves two
basic concepts:
(1) The choice of the approximate model, and
(2) The plan of experiments where the response has to be
The performance of a manufactured product often
characterize by a group of responses. These responses in
general are correlated and measured via a different
measurement scale. Consequently, a decision-maker must
resolve the parameter selection problem to optimize each
response. This problem is regarded as a multi-response
optimization problem, subject to different response
requirements. Most of the common methods are incomplete in
such a way that a response variable is selected as the primary
R. Eslami Farsani is with Islamic Azad University, Tehran South Branch.
one and is optimized by adhering to the other constraints set
by the criteria. Many heuristic methodologies have been
developed to resolve the multi-response problem. Cornell and
Khuri [4] surveyed the multi-response problem using a
response surface method. Tai et al. [5] assigned a weight for
each response to resolve the problem. Pignatiello [6] utilized a
squared deviation-from-target and a variance to form an
expected loss function for optimizing a multiple response
problem. Layne [7] presented a procedure capable of
simultaneously considering three functions: weighted loss
function, desirability function, and distance function. While
providing a multi-response example in which Taguchi
methods are used, Byrne and Taguchi [8] discussed an
example involving a connector and a tube.
Logothetis and Haigh [9] also discussed a manufacturing
process differentiated by five responses. In doing so, they
selected one of the five response variables as primary and
optimized the objective function sequentially while ignoring
possible correlations among the responses. Optimizing the
process with respect to any single response leads to nonoptimum
values for the remaining characteristics.
Often engineering experimenters wish to find the conditions
under which a certain process attains the optimal results. That
is, they want to determine the levels of the design parameters
at which the response reaches its optimum. The optimum
could be either a maximum or a minimum of a function of the
design parameters. One of methodologies for obtaining the
optimum is response surface technique.
Response surface methodology is a collection of statistical
and mathematical methods that are useful for the modeling
and analyzing engineering problems. In this technique, the
main objective is to optimize the response surface that is
influenced by various process parameters. Response surface
methodology also quantifies the relationship between the
controllable input parameters and the obtained response
The design procedure of response surface methodology is as
(i) Designing of a series of experiments for adequate and
reliable measurement of the response of interest.
(ii) Developing a mathematical model of the second order
response surface with the best fittings.
(iii) Finding the optimal set of experimental parameters
that produce a maximum or minimum value of
S. Raissi, and R- Eslami Farsani ∗
Statistical Process Optimization
Through Multi-Response Surface Methodology
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 51 2009
(iv) Representing the direct and interactive effects of
process parameters through two and three dimensional
If all variables are assumed to be measurable, the response
surface can be expressed as follows:
y = f (x1, x2 ,....xk ) (1)
The goal is to optimize the response variable y . It is
assumed that the independent variables are continuous and
controllable by experiments with negligible errors. It is
required to find a suitable approximation for the true
functional relationship between independent variables and the
response surface. Usually a second-order model is utilized in
response surface methodology.
β Σβ Σβ Σβ ε
= = =
= + + + +
ij i j
ii i