- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Activity guidelines and evaluation rubric – Task 2: Content

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[pic 1][pic 2] 


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Course: English B2 Code: 900005

Activity guidelines and evaluation rubric – Task 2: Content



  1. Activity description


Type of the activity: Individual

Evaluation moment: Intermediate at Unit 1

Activity higher score: 125

Activity starting date:

Monday, September 5th 2022

Activity deadline: Sunday,

November 27th 2022

In this activity, it is expected to achieve the following learning results:


The student will be able to resolve effectively the exercises included in the attached file, which is named: Task 2 - Content Development, based on the course content, in order to handle the topics suggested in the Unit 1.

The activity lies in:


Check and answer questions related to the unit:


  • Check the questions suggested in the worksheet.
  • Answer the questions by choosing the best option.  Practice writing skill by answering open questions.


[pic 3]



Stage 2: Answer the worksheet 


 After reflecting the content of the questions, answer as follows: [pic 4]

To develop this activity, consider:

At initial information environment, you must: Check the Agenda.

At learning environment, you must: Practice Unit 1 and develop the writing task.

At evaluation environment, you must: Submit the final work in the Task 2 – Content Development – Evaluation Rubric and Activity Submission.

Individual work evidences:

The individual evidences to submit are:

Scanned final document in PDF format.


  1. General guidelines for the development of the evidence to submit



For evidence developed Individual, consider the following guidelines:


  • Every student must participate by scanning the answered worksheet.


  • Before delivering the requested product, all the requirements indicated in this activity guide must be checked. (Name, date, group number).


Take into account that all individual or group written work must fulfil with the orthographic rules and presentation conditions that have been defined.


Concerning the use of references, consider that the requested work in this activity must fulfil with the standards APA.

In any case, the standards of reference must be complied. Academic plagiarism must be avoided. Students can support the written products by using the Turnitin tool found on the virtual campus.


Consider that In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article 99, it is considered as offenses that undermine the academic order, among others, the following: literal e) “Plagiarism, that is, submitting as of its own authorship the all or part of a work, document or invention made by another person.


It also implies the use of quotes or false references, or proposing quotes where there is no match between it and the reference” and literal f) “Reproducing or copying for profit, educational materials or results of research products, which have intellectual rights reserved for the University.


The academic sanctions the student will face are the following:


  1. In cases of academic fraud demonstrated in the respective academic work or evaluation, the grade that will be imposed will be zero points without prejudice to the corresponding disciplinary sanction.
  2. In cases related to plagiarism demonstrated in the academic work whatever its nature, the qualification that will be imposed will be zero points, without prejudice to the corresponding disciplinary sanction.


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Course: English B2

Code: 900005

Task 2 – Content Development



Full name:

  Harold David Urrea Pulgarin






         [pic 5]


Now, match the beginnings with the endings to form complete sentences:


[pic 6][pic 7][pic 8][pic 9][pic 10]


2. [pic 11]


Circle the correct ending for each sentence with future perfect.


[pic 12][pic 13][pic 14][pic 15][pic 16][pic 17]


3. [pic 18]



Complete the table with the correct form of the verbs.



Future tense 


Passive will + have been + participle 


[pic 19]






At 8:00 PM tonight, John (1.

Wash Will be washing  the dishes. 




At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes (2. Wash Will be washed by John. 


[pic 20]





They (3. complete) 

 Will be completing

the assignment

before the class ends. 


The assignment (4.

complete) Will be completed by they before  the class ends. 



[pic 21] 







The famous artist 

(5. paint) 

 Will be painting

  the mural for over six months by the time it is finished. 




The mural (6. paint   Will be painted by the

famous artist for over

six months by the time it is finished. 


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