- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Art As How I Know It

Enviado por   •  29 de Noviembre de 2013  •  670 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  403 Visitas

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After hours in two art museums looking at many different pieces of art and hearing diversity of opinions, a question came to my mind, what is art? I saw various kinds of art; one is art that I would call absurd, for example a bright big point on a wall with white background; but the other kinds made me think, artworks as photographs, paintings or sculptures. That day, Thursday April 12th is the day when I got it, what art is for me. Art is a creation made with reality that surrounds the artist transforming the thought in a feeling.

Art must be a representation of imagination with a purpose from a human mind. Even when some people say that animals can create art, the truth is that the animals are trained to do exactly what the owner wants them to do; it is not that they created the work from imagination and creativity. It is clear that the main difference of humans from animals is, that humans think, get worry, change points of view, have a purpose… have minds.

Imagination is a mind creation and “art is the physical manifestation of a mysterious human force: imagination,” (Cedar Lee). Therefore the artist needs to use knowledge, what surrounds him and the creativity in his mind to create what he wants to create. For example the artwork “Impression at sunrise” by Claude Monet presents a view of the old outer harbor of Le Havre; Monet made it using the reality around him and putted it on an abstract form of it with colors that fit with the image he had in front of him. He made the painting with the purpose of show the costal image to public with a different point of view, a point of view from creativity and imagination. It cannot be clearer; Art has to come from the combination of everything around the artist with the force of his mind and an anticipated purpose. With those attributes included on the painting he can create the second necessary thing for a something to be call art, a feeling.

Art creates a feeling for every person who sees it as for the artist who made it. A main characteristic of what people search on an artwork when sees it is what the artwork transforms inside them, what the image, construction or sculpture makes them feel. The artist needs to look for the creation of a bond between the future public and the work that he is making, by having a relation with it first. This explain what Cedar Lee wrote once in his article named “the meaning of art,” “the artist has the job of living, feeling and processing his or her unique experience and then finding a way to express that to others,” this means that an artist has a feeling that wants to express through his artwork to create a new feeling or though on people. An example is the painting “the tragedy” by Pablo Picasso; on the named painting you see a destitute family with nowhere to go. The lighting and color add to the despair and hopelessness of its homeless subjects, what can this painting create in you? What


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