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Executive Management Assistance

Enviado por   •  28 de Enero de 2016  •  Apuntes  •  340 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  126 Visitas

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Central University of Ecuador

Name: Liseth Muñoz

Semester: 7 th  Executive Management Assistance

                       Business protocol  Spain

Business protocol Spain, In this country the people are sincere and friendly It is therefore normal that will quickly invited to a lunch or dinner, or even a social event. Spanish are impuntuales and informal, is already more legend than fact. The Spanish promptly attend its meetings as is done in any other European country. One point that can distinguish them from Europeans are breaches of some of the agreed points and payment methods. The weakest point is the payment methods. Executives treated by Sir or Madam and first name. Spanish like to talk business at lunch 2pm.

So, Fashion in Spain tilts the appearance conservative spectrum of fashion. Verse and groomed fashion is important for the Spanish to carefully choose the cut and quality of their garments. The Spaniards generally prefer the conservative elegance to the most striking and revealing options.

On the other hand The Argentines place a high value on personal relationships. In this country the executives may need a few meetings to jump in negotiations thoroughly and carry them out successfully, people from other countries should be very patient.

Others companies, decisions are often taken at the top of the company ; it is therefore desirable to attend meetings senior executives capable of making decisions or significantly influence them. In Argentina punctuality is important, it is nothing strange to have to wait several minutes for the hosts, especially when many of them occupy high positions and have a busy schedule of meetings. You should not wait for their hosts. Delays, while understandable, should always apologize politely

We must welcome both arriving and taking leave of all present. Argentines are proud of their appearance and always treat both men and women, be dressed elegantly and stylish. Even poor people try to be well dressed. Towards the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentine dress more conservatively. 


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