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Feminismo la clave para alcanzar la igualdad.

Enviado por   •  3 de Noviembre de 2016  •  Ensayo  •  1.250 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  212 Visitas

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Feminism is an ideal that every woman should support and every man needs to respect. Feminism is a way to reduce the terrible gaps that men have built along the history. These gaps are terribly sadder and they make more visible inequality between genders depending on the country in which the woman lives. Also Feminism is against of the sexual abuses that men have done taking advantages of their authority, now women are more conscious of men’s unfair use of violence to keep them under control. Contradictory to this, people who proclaim themselves as antifeminists establish that feminism is just an ideology which is only used to victimize women. But, it is absolutely necessary to mention that with feminism, women have been gaining a space in the road to equality but it’s necessary to keep going because right now despite of the whole achievements, inequality between genders is still a matter of concern around the world and accepted as normal in some countries more than others.

Feminism is the response of many women who are against gender discrimination at their jobs, there are so many cases of inequality within this field between men and women. Taking into account the period from 2009 to 2013 according to The Huffington Post in America, statistics show 35% of women’s job gains have been in low-wage sectors, while just 18 percent of men’s jobs gains were in those fields. Besides, women working the 10 lowest paying fields make about 9.6 cents less on average than men working in the same fields, so at the end more women are taking jobs with a few payment in lower playing fields which is a growing sector. According to The independent UK in the country the problem is that, the gender pay gap stands at 15% with women on average earning £5,000 less a year than their male colleagues. The difference is even greater in part time jobs, going up to 35%. And globally only a 24% of senior management roles are now filled by women. On this wise, Feminism is the voice of many women who are tired of not being consider as valuable as men, women who want to be heard and who are conscious of their abilities and skills and want to be appreciated for them. Through Feminism, women have achieved important roles in workplace so, now women are able to take opportunities that were only offered to men. On the other hand, some women argue that now the ideal of the woman as responsible head of the family is being lost, because every time women are more concern about their work rather than their family; they don’t have a balance between work and family and most of the times they fulfill their aim of being successful but they neglect their families. In virtue of feminism, women have made huge advances facing work discrimination and gender inequality but the situation can be worse when men abuse of their power and star to use physical or emotional abuse to intimidate women in their workplaces or at home.

Feminism stops violence against women which is one of the biggest problems around the world. According to The independent UK, the statistics of bad behavior directed to women around the world are sad: Globally one out of three women will be beaten or raped during their life.  In the UK 44% of all women have experienced either physical or sexual violence since they were 15 years old, in Egypt 99.3% of women and girls had been subjected to sexual harassment. Also over 130 million women living in the world today have undergone Female Genital Mutilation and around 14 million girls, some as young as 8 years old, will be married by the end of 2014. Additionally an estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked into slavery each year, from which 80% are girls. The worst part is that only 76 countries have legislation against domestic violence and just 57 of them include sexual abuse, so, as a consequence just a few of the huge amount of abusers are punished. Feminism has made people more conscious about the large amount of women who have to deal with violence and abuse in their daily life. Also, feminism presses into society and government for a fair form of justice and to set stronger sentences to all abusers. However, cultural believes affect the development of feminism, in some countries women are treated as they belong to men, they are consider more to be objects which only are useful to serve without the possibility to take any decision about their lives. Looking at the statistics, it’s frightening the long list of cases of abuses around the world and it’s terrifying the amount of abusers who don’t receive any punishment; even seeing this horrible situation there are ignorant people who dare to compare feminism with the victimization of women.  


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