- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Lesson plan 2nd grade.

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        Lesson Plan

Teacher: Mss. Gavarrete

Subject: Science

Level: 2nd grade

Chapter 2Technology and Tools

Lesson 1: What is technology?



Learning strategies



Teaching Strategies


Thecnology and tools

  • List different ways how can computers help them?
  • Discuss how some tasks might be harder without the use of technology
  • Identify the major use of different technological devices and the problem it solves.

Differentiate different objects around the classroom in technology such as. Pencil, books, rulers, data etc.

  • The teacher introduces the topic by reading a short paragraph “How do computers help you?”
  • Make them participate giving their own opinion about different questions.
  • The teacher asks what do technology and invent means.
  • Observe through flash cards about technological devices and motivate students to tell what kind of problem it solves.
  • Organize the students in groups of three, list different objects around the classroom and explain what problem it helps to solve.
  • Share their findings to the class.

-Watch a video about some inventions that people have done then a discussion about it.

-All students stand up for singing and dancing a song about technology.

[pic 1]

Pictures about the topic: technological devices  such as: light bulb, car, airplane, microwave

  • Write on the board the prompts

This technology is a______ and it helps people to _________.

  • Data show
  • Data

5 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

5 minutes

8 minutes

7 minutes

  • Brainstorming.

Analytical team

  • The teacher makes sure everybody participates in the discussion and asks specific questions about the topic.
  • One member of the team shares 2 or three examples of technology and explains what problem it solves.


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