- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Universidad de Mexicali.

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Process of recruitment and selection of personnel.

In partial requirement of English II.

Pnfr. Javier Heredia


Angélica Delgado Campista.

Tecate B.C.

August 2016

Table of contents.





Theoretical framework.        







 “The only capital that really matters is human capital”. - Warren Bennis-.


Companies use different strategies, methods, or techniques for routing to a stable future; however no implementation is all effective. Therefore, this essay aims to publicize the meaning about the process of recruitment and selection of personnel within a company, stages comprising the process of recruitment and selection of personnel, the definition or explanation of each one of them. As well as also, the differences in recruitment and selection of personnel, and the importance of the selection of personnel.


The recruitment and selection of staff, in my opinion, is a key within a company issue, because by means of this process the company can choose one or several persons who are qualified to fill a position or perform some activity, avoiding possible mistakes that could have been made.

Personally I found this issue of utmost importance for the present essay, because sometimes the institutions make some mistakes when selecting its staff, since some events have occurred in my personal experience, one of them was that at the time of that request a document with photography, in the direction of an Institute, the Secretariat hit photography incorrectly Now this it should be at the bottom, which generated a big problem in the direction causing a serious discussion. This would not be submitted if the institution will have directed staff to properly do the job assigned.


The process of recruitment and selection of personnel within a company is important since this process can identify and choose the right person to play any position, trying to maintain efficient and effective a company so that it develops properly.

If the process of recruitment and selection of personnel did not exist within a company, they would enter a myriad of people unable to perform or cover any activity affecting in a way that would impede the economic development by the company to stagnate.

Theoretical framework.

[1]The process of recruitment and selection of personnel.

The process of recruitment and selection of personnel is a set of stages or steps that are aimed at recruiting and selecting the most suitable staff for a job in a company. It begins with the definition of the profile of the applicant, and continues with the search, recruitment or call for applicants, evaluation of these, selection and hiring of the most suitable, and induction and training of this. Stages that make up the process of recruitment and selection of personnel:

  1. Definition of the profile of the applicant.

Recruitment and personnel selection process begins with the definition of the profile of the applicant, i.e., with the definition of the competencies or characteristics that a person must meet so that you can apply for the position that we are offering. For example, we must determine what knowledge, skills, experience, skills, values (e.g., honesty, perseverance, etc.) and attitudes (e.g., capacity for teamwork, tolerance to pressure, etc.) want to own.

 And to do this, we must take into account the position which posits the person; for example, for a post related to the attention to the public, as well as experience, could require ability to interact with others, ease of Word, nice, etc. But besides the since in vacancy also must take in has our

company in general, and so, for example, the profile of the applicant also could include it capacity to adapt is to the environment or to the culture of the company.

  1.  Search, recruitment, or call. 

The next step consists of the search, recruitment or call for applicants who meet the competencies or characteristics that we have defined in the previous step (no need to have to comply with all of them). The following are some of the main sources, forms or methods through which we can search, recruiting, or call postulate:

  1. Ads or notices: the most common form of search or call applicants is through the publication of advertisements or notices, either in newspapers, Internet, posters, murals in studios, walls or windows of our local centers , etc.

The advantage of this method is that we can reach a lot of people, while the disadvantage is that it implies a more time and cost than other methods; reason by which is recommended that to the write them ads, be it more precise and specific possible as regards them requirements.

  1. Recommendations: another form common of get applicants is through them recommendations that us make contacts, friends, known, workers of our company, customers, centres of studies, etc. The advantage is that it is faster and less costly for applicants, while the disadvantage is that they could recommend applicants who are not really trained, except those recommended by our own workers, to know that its prestige is at stake, they could recommend good applicants.

  1. Agencies of employment: companies where offer us applicants with certain skills and characteristics already defined by them

  1. The competition: competitors, of which we can get trained and experienced applicants.
  2. Consultants in human resources and trained: specialized companies in search for applicants, but at a cost very high.
  3. Practices: consists in taking as applicants to the practitioners who are already collaborating with us so temporary.
  4. Archives or databases: consists in taking as applicants that have already evaluated or persons who have left us your resume previously (for past announcements).

This stage also includes the order to them applicants of that us send your curriculum or that fill a form of application of employment (which must be designed of such way that us allow collect the greater amount of information possible).

  1. Evaluation. 

the third step in the process of recruitment and selection of personnel is the evaluation of applicants that we have recruited or convened, in order to choose among all them to the most appropriate (or the most suitable) for the job we are offering.

This stage can begin with a preset (for example, through review of resumes) that will allow us to rule out candidates who do not comply with the requirements requested, or that allows us to have a reasonable number of applicants to assess. And once we have a reasonable number of candidates, we had to quote them and evaluate them through the following process:


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